Power Skate Training – Why Power Skating Can Drastically Change Your Game

One thing many underperforming players have in common is that they never learn to skate with power. Power skating is absolutely crucial training for any player who wants to get to the elite levels, and even for those who just want to have a good time, the changes power skating can make to your game are incredible.

Skating by nature is a completely unnatural movement; in fact, hockey is the only major sport that revolves around a move that no human being naturally knows how to do. Teaching yourself to skate is doable, but without instruction, you can only get so far no matter how much you practice. The reason is that small adjustments to your skating stride can have a big impact on your overall speed and agility on skates. Players who never seek power skating training never notice the little glitches in their technique and spend their entire lives reinforcing the bad habits that hold them back throughout their hockey careers.

It will be hard to find an elite hockey player who has never taken a power skating course, if not many power skating courses. These courses are available to players of all ages. They are not just for children. Many adult classes are held at stadiums throughout the United States and Canada. Power skating classes aren’t expensive either, and when you consider the long-term benefits and ability of classes to open up your game, you owe it to yourself as a player to at least seek out skating instruction.

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