Pros and cons of traditional and online education

Today, online education has become more than just a cheaper and less time-consuming alternative to traditional or classroom education. Today, online bootcamps provide students with programming and design skills that will take less time compared to the usual university environment. But if you are currently about to choose between taking an online course or a traditional one, consider reviewing some of their pros and cons.

Online education

Savings – Prices for online courses and training programs are getting cheaper. In addition, free tutorials are already offered. In fact, there are people who managed to build their careers with only free resources.

Flexibility and convenience – Even when you have a job or care for a family at home, you can continue to improve your current knowledge and skills. There are online courses that only require 10-20 hours per week. The mere option of working from home will make it much easier for you to fit this into your hectic schedule.

Marketable skills and work focus – Unlike traditional education, online courses will focus much more on teaching hard and specific skills that will help you land the job you want. Boot camps, for example, are designed to prepare you for design and programming jobs. Instead of learning general analytical and critical thinking skills, you will be practicing for the tasks you will perform in the workforce.

Digital skills – There are certain skills that are born online, such as how to use social networking sites and learn content marketing. Therefore, it is natural that they are easier to learn through online education.

Keeps skills up-to-date – This form of education is indeed the best way to keep your skills up to date, especially when it comes to programming. Keep in mind that the world of online courses is rapidly adapting to the latest and newest trends.

As for your cons, your career options are limited. This means that through this route, you cannot be a lawyer or a doctor. You also won’t have the usual college experience. This is only recommended for those who are self-directed and motivated.

Traditional education

Experience – This is really what you pay when you go to college. You’ll experience dorm life, attend community parties and activities, and be part of a team or club. In fact, actual education is secondary for some students.

Network – It will definitely be a great advantage if you are physically very close to people who will help you get a job. They will also help you get internships that often lead to jobs.

Recognized degree – Although a bachelor’s degree does not guarantee you to get a job, people at least have the certainty that this is a valid form of education. It’s proof that you spent years studying and got passing grades.

Installations – There are courses that require certain equipment and facilities. Traditional education provides it so that you can gain experience in these areas.

As for its disadvantages, this route is incredibly expensive. Other than that, it doesn’t always save you from unemployment. Often times, it may not give you the skills you need.

Before choosing a path, determine what you really want and what you can make it work for.

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