Review of Insights of Life by Jose Kaimlett

Review of Insights of Life

This is all about sharing some insights from different areas and subjects that come up in your life. It’s more about Sharing experiences and learnings with the whole world. The main goal behind sharing is to spread joy and peace through the experience.

What better way to start with a new year than with “The Secrets of Joji Valli”. First introduced in 1998, Joji Valli and Joanne Valli authored this first collection of their writings called Insights of Life. A follow up to their first book, Insights of Life 2, this second volume contains some of their most insightful quotes and musings on various topics. If you want to know the secrets of how to get out of debt, or how to win the lottery, or how to find your soul mate, Insights of Life 2 is the book for you. Even if you just want to know what is good in life, there is something in this book for everybody.

Some of the topics included in the second volume of Insights of Life are marriage, business, art, family, love, romance, spirituality, and war. Joji Valli discusses topics like money, relationships, marriage, divorce, marriage preparation, and children. War is also on the mind of Joji Valli as he addresses the topic of self defense, leadership, and staying healthy. There are many insights that he shares that are practical and that are not based on mysticism or religion. Joji Valli is definitely not a religious person by any means but has always felt that a sense of spirituality is important in order to understand human behavior and the universe around us.

Jose Kaimlett

Dr. Jose Kaimlett is the editor of Insights of Life and he provides insightful and entertaining insights that are helpful to those who are in search of positive attributes in their life and in their future. Many people in the past used spiritual concepts in order to get by but today people are more secular. Dr. Jose Kaimlett addresses this notion in his second volume of Insights of Life. The book contains insightful conversations with a variety of people including some very famous people.

Retaliating Sunday!

Some of the topics covered in this book include the idea of the meaning of love, how important it is to have unconditional love from a spouse, and what happens when one has been hurt by someone else. Insights of Life is very entertaining as it contains vignettes that are humorous in nature and at other times emotional and disturbing. This book helps people understand the human psyche and how it works. It also gives insight into how vices and addiction can affect a person positively and negatively and how healing options may be explored.

Dr. Kaimlett’s first published book, The Science of Getting Rich was recently optioned by Miramax, an award winning production company. The second volume of Insights of Life is due for release sometime in 2021 and will surely increase its popularity. The Science of Getting Rich was critically acclaimed and sold millions of copies worldwide. The second volume of Insights of Life is expected to be more popular than its first installment and will most likely top the best-seller’s list. This book is a must have for all vital mazhabi fans and should be added to the shelf of all who like to think independently.

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