Separation poem


A thousand voices suddenly fell silent
Blown out like a bedtime candle
The silent chorus kept regretting
His words no longer echo through the corridors of my mind
Specters of days gone by invade my thoughts
Wandering the halls incessantly
Penetrating deep into gray matter and drawing hope
Replacing it with acceptance, consuming memory
Our unit has almost dissolved, like sugar stirred in tea
Spirals in a vortex then disappears
Its sweet taste will never be consumed by us again.

This poem is a reflection of how the author feels after going through a very hard separation and a pending divorce. Rather than taking the time to explain all the details, I thought it would be better to let the audience interpret the feelings that were behind the making of this poem. I prefer to let the interpretation of my work be the most important thing. When this happens, it allows the reader to relate to the poem in unwanted ways and opens the discussion about the author’s choice of words, blanks, and punctuation. I’d rather stimulate discussion than just sit here and dissect my own poem line by line so everyone knows the meaning behind it. It is much more important to me that others take what they would like from the poem and enjoy it for what they think it means than for what I was thinking at the time of writing it. Most of my other works of poetry follow the same creed.

Although with this poem I at least gave a clue both in the title and in this short discussion of the poem (which I was forced to do by the bot that forces no article under 400 words to be accepted), I rather enjoy that the readers post comments. about work so I can get a glimpse of what they think about it, how it makes them feel, what they feel prompted me, or whatever else. I think this exchange of opinions and ideas helps me to see my own work in a different light, which can help me to try to explore poetry more and more deeply, and at the same time, it can also be used as a method for me. control myself so that I can try to stay on task as much as possible and grow as a poet.

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