Simple ways to earn money for kids

Children need money. Let’s face it, these days there are more devices, gadgets, games, data plans, social sites, downloaded media, and uploaded content at our kids’ fingertips than most of us “older” generation can imagine. , or afford to stay up to date for that matter. affair. Almost every kid I see these days has either a powered-up iPod or a smartphone in hand, and yes, sadly, sometimes both. My point here is not to highlight the technological wave we are currently on, but to illustrate a fact that is often overlooked.

You guessed it, all that gear costs money. Every game and megabyte of information is bought and sold and used in expensive electronic devices that are phased out over a year or two. I remember saving every penny I had as a teenager just to buy the next big game on the old SNES. Long before the incredible diversity and abundance of standout gaming consoles and machines that bombard store shelves on a monthly basis. I wonder, how would I earn the money for all these “stuff” if I were a child in today’s age?

Well, first you have to consider the tried and true “old school” methods. You know, mowing lawns, shoveling snow, trimming hedges, washing cars, walking dogs, babysitting, doing other people’s homework, you get the idea. Basically getting off the couch and DOing something for someone else, as a kid, will make you a quick buck and maybe even help add a couple of nuances to his character along the way. But it takes the longest, it’s the hardest thing to do, and it doesn’t pay the best, consistently or quickly.

Which brings us to “new school” methods. Easy for today’s crop of young teens, and even some tweens, and completely foreign to Grandpa Jones down the street. Things like starting his own blog and adding an affiliate link to his favorite software company. Level up characters or open video games and sell copies of your hard drive. Make viral videos on YouTube and use that traffic to promote your website, blog, or fundraiser. Sell ​​your old junk on eBay instead of giving it away or throwing it away entirely.

Use your English class skills and earn money to write articles for companies on Elance for free. Online surveys are another good route, as long as you do some research and find an established company with a good track record. Personal concierge services like Guru and AskSunday let you become a personal online assistant to people who are willing to pay you to do paperwork, bills, and manage everyday things they no longer want to do. You can always look for MLM opportunities also with respected organizations.

The bottom line is that you have to be creative and willing to learn new tech skills if you want to make money like a kid these days. The good news is that there are people all over the world willing to pay others for just about anything, and thanks to your friend’s technology, you have access to all of them via the web. Just remember to only work with companies that have established credentials and keep your money safe in savings accounts and never give out that information or your personal information unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure you can trust the source. Other than that, good luck and remember to search for cars before crossing and tweeting!

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