Six questions to ask a family law attorney

Although divorce is the most common reason for visiting a family law attorney, it is not the only one. The vast area of ​​legal practice they specialize in deals with all aspects of domestic relations and family matters.


An extremely complicated process, few adoptions are finalized without the help of a family law attorney. Why is this? Adoption laws differ from state to state. So before a couple can pursue a legal adoption, they must familiarize themselves with complicated state laws. An experienced adoption attorney can help explain and expedite the process by filing the required legal documents with the court.


Because marriage is primarily regulated by the state, so are the rules regarding separation and divorce. Alimony or spousal support can be provided for either party to a divorce. If the parties cannot come to a fair and reasonable agreement on the amount of support, the court will do it for them. But to get to that status, you must file an application for child support. If your ex-spouse is uncooperative, an attorney completes and files the required documents with the court.

child custody

When a couple with children separates, the issue of custody takes center stage. Because it is an emotional and contentious issue, legal professionals are needed to help parents do what is best for their children.

domestic violence

Better known as a restraining order, a protective order is issued to restrain someone from behavior by a court that has harmed or threatened another person. That person could be a former spouse or domestic partner who lives at the same address or in a different location. The order serves as a strong legal deterrent to anyone who has abused or even threatened to harm a person or their family.


If both parties can bear to be in the same room, mediation is a much quicker and more affordable alternative to litigation. Whether you are discussing the terms of a divorce or other domestic matters, an attorney can help you move through the process by recommending reasonable solutions to seemingly intractable problems. It is also a much less contentious option because there is no clear winner or loser. Couples can talk and mutually agree on a wide range of solutions that could take many months to resolve in court.

prenuptial agreements

We all know that about half of all marriages fail. A standard prenuptial agreement is not designed to leave one party penniless and the other amassing wealth. Its goal is to help both parties save time, money, and emotion in the event that the marriage ends in divorce.

Although many more services are provided, a family law attorney focuses primarily on the aforementioned legal areas.

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