Social networks for companies (2) – Twitter Branding Made Easy

Thanks to the Twitter revolution, establishing your brand awareness and expanding your customer base has never been easier. In fact, the idea of ​​”humanizing” their marketing strategy allowed companies to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and, as a result, serve them better.

However, if you want to win the SMM game, you have to know the rules and play well. If used incorrectly, social networking sites can break down and not do your business. For example: if you showered your Twitter followers with ads and sales pitch-laden tweets, you’ll lose them to a more “human” competitor!
Here are some expert tips to help you leverage Twitter for your corporate brand.

Show TRUE Interest in your followers

When someone follows your brand on Twitter, they are most likely a good prospect. It’s worth going through their profiles and sending them a message thanking them for following you and it goes without saying that you should follow them. You must also respond to their private messages immediately. If that sounds like a lot of work, hire someone to do it for you.

And hey, you have to follow people too and in 99.99% of cases, they will show their appreciation for your gesture following you back Reciprocity is ingrained in human nature. If you take the “nice” path, many people will follow your trail.

Ask smart questions to increase your brand awareness

Every once in a while (please don’t overdo what I’m going to say) ask followers for feedback on your new product/campaign. If your questions were interesting enough, your followers would probably retweet to others, which translates into greater brand visibility. If any of them gave you some great tips that you implemented, you should let them know, and better yet, publicize your appreciation by acknowledging their help in several tweets. If you do, they will be happy to share your brand with the world.

I couldn’t think of a better way to let people know who you are (as a brand) and what you offer.

Of the endless social networking sites out there, Twitter is the simplest, mostly due to its 140-character microblogging magic. It goes without saying that tweeting is much faster and easier than writing a conventional blog post. With Twitter, you can create a powerful online presence in a fraction of the time compared to other social media tools. That’s why; you need to take your time and delve into the world of Twitter if you want to get the most out of it. In future articles, we’ll discuss more Twitter branding tips. Until then…

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