Star Trek treasure hunt

Do you like Star Trek? Do you like looking for things, like in the treasure hunt? How about combining your increasingly bizarre obsessions with a real Star Trek scavenger hunt? In case you were wondering, yes, I am one of you. I am a huge Star Trek nerd, and since I was a child I have indulged in Easter egg hunts even when it is not Easter. Now that my daughter is old enough, it’s time to indoctrinate her.

First of all, the first season of the original Star Trek series is mostly the must-see, and it’s usually where our obsessions begin, right? Quotes like “Kirk to bridge”, “Illogical” and “Scotty here” are part of our consciousness now.

So what I propose to do is choose a few sentences from the program and assign points for each word that you hear. Each person in the game can choose which phrase they would like to represent, and the score will be kept. Whoever finds the most of their sentences at the end of a couple of episodes wins!

This may sound similar to adult drinking games I guess. Truth be told, it actually has similar aspects. But kids can play this one, and in my experience they enjoy hearing a familiar phrase. Thinking of being streamed somewhere, not to mention allowing science fiction aspects to be enjoyed, can be great entertainment for children.

And let’s face it, whether we like the show or not, it has been revolutionary in terms of the evolution of television, and we might as well educate or at least familiarize our children with it.

Live and prosper!

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