Taking off the yellow jackets – not a summer DIY project

It’s summer! That means warmer weather, regrowth of plant life, and repopulation of insects. Although the world could not function without insects, there are some that are very dangerous to humans and other insects alike; Yellow jackets fall into this category. They may look like bees, they may sound like bees, but yellow jackets are not bees. They are actually wasps, an angrier and more aggressive cousin of the bumblebee. These wasps are territorial and will attack anything or anyone they feel threatens their existence. Being attacked by wasps certainly spoils a beautiful summer day.

The best way to care for wasps is not to do it yourself. Again: removing wasps from your property is not a DIY project. This is an action that requires skill and experience, something that pest removal companies in every state have acquired over their years in business. You should always contact a certified pest control company to remove the pest for you because they have the materials, chemicals, and equipment to do so. Today, you generally don’t have to worry about chemicals being harmful to insects or your own family because companies are aware of how effective their products can be. Most pest control companies use safe, humane, and environmentally safe products to ensure the health of pests and your own.

So how do you make sure your tree nest is infested with yellow jackets and not harmless bees? Although they are both black and yellow, the two insects are still physically different from each other. Yellow jackets are not furry like bumblebees or carpenter bees; instead, their bodies are slimmer and longer. they also carry lance-shaped stingers that don’t fall off like bumblebee stingers. Yellow jackets can also sting repeatedly and do not produce honey. The type of nest present also determines who inhabits it. Wasp nests are made from wood fiber chewed into a paper-like pulp. If you notice any of these signs, you may have a wasp infestation.

Dealing with wasps this summer can be difficult, but you can easily get rid of them by contacting an experienced pest removal company. Never try to remove a yellow jacket nest yourself because you will probably end up in the hospital from all the stings. (If you still want to experience the thrill of the experience, just search YouTube for Wasp Eliminations Gone Wrong.) Trust a licensed pest removal company to handle it for you.

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