Taming a Fox – Life Lessons from Nature

You can’t tame anything by chasing it. When you really want something, sometimes you have to be still and let it come to you.


I’ve always liked Gene Wilder. His piercing blue eyes always seemed so kind and attractive.

I don’t remember when I first fell in love with him; like most kids my age, it may have been when he played the eccentric chocolatier in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, or it may have been when he played The Waco Kid. in the incredibly funny Blazing Saddles, but I’m sure my heart was sealed when he played Zorro in The Little Prince.

Although Antoine de Saint Exupéry’s novel was well known to most, for many years my only exposure to this inspiring story was through this 1974 film, which was nominated for two Academy Awards and won a Golden Globe.

The plot consists of a pilot who is stranded in the Sahara desert and meets an “alien prince (albeit completely human in appearance). In their conversations, the author reveals his own views on the follies of humanity and the simple truths that people seem to forget as they get older.” (Wikipedia)

The prince tells the pilot many of his adventures, including his visit to land and the many creatures he has met here.

One of them was a fox. Enter Gene Wilder.

Gene Wilder’s Fox is cautious but affectionate (those eyes!), as he shows the little prince how he can tame him and become friends. Surprisingly, this very exchange can teach us some of the exact principles for getting what we want in life.

“Every day you would come and sit where you are now.

“You always came at the same time, let’s say, at four in the afternoon.

“I might start to get excited about, oh, around 3 o’clock.

“If you came at any other time, I wouldn’t have a chance to get turned on.”

“But what would I do at 4 o’clock?” ask the prince.

“Nothing,” replies the Fox.


“Of course not, if you did something I would get scared and not come out.”


You really can have whatever you want. But to achieve this, there are some principles that you must apply when learning to tame a fox.

First, you must be consistent. The Prince had to come every day at the same time. He couldn’t come “at any time.” He must be consistent. Constant action shows the Universe that you are serious about your wish.

Second, you must be still and allow it to come to you. If you’ve ever chased after something (or someone, for that matter!), you know that doing so only makes you run in the other direction. You work harder and get less results when you pursue something. Ah, but if you are still… if you are still and behave in a way that makes you attractive, people and things will be naturally attracted to you.

What if things don’t turn out the way you expected or just disappear when you see them around the corner? Then you can be sure to hear the Fox saying to you, just as he said to the Little Prince:

“You moved!”


Are you frustrated with the results you are getting in some area of ​​your life? To take action!

Today’s Action Step: Set a timer for five minutes. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Visualize what it is you want and, in your mind, allow it to come to you. You may even want to stretch your arms out and visualize him running towards you for a hug.

As you do this, notice how good it makes you feel—much better, in fact, than if you were to run after him. Of course, you may want to do this visualization for more than five minutes. If you’re like me, you’ll feel so good that it’s hard to want to do anything else.

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