Tap Water Facts: Chlorine in Drinking Water Makes Chickens Cry "Lack"

Let me ask you a simple question. Do you know someone who has had a heart attack? You immediately said: “Yes”, didn’t you? Now consider this, if this were 1908 instead of 2008, you would have said, “No,” just as quickly. This article is the first in a series of articles that will explain why heart disease only emerged after 1900 and how you can protect yourself and your family from this modern plague.

Before 1900, heart attacks were completely unknown! Think about it.

The first medical description of a heart attack, “coronary thrombosis”, was made in 1912.

This information surprises people. We just assume that heart attacks and strokes have always been the leading causes of death. But they have not been. This plague started about 100 years ago and is now common to all people living in developed nations.

What changed? The medical community blames the increase in cholesterol in our diets. But is cholesterol the cause? If so, why didn’t the Eskimos develop atherosclerosis? They ate large amounts of fat, saturated fat, from blubber, but never had heart attacks or strokes!

In 1969, Dr. Joseph M. Price defended chlorine as the culprit in a little book called Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine. (A Jupiter book.)

He reasoned: “…one is obliged to consider the possibility of the presence of foreign substances or the presence of abnormally large amounts of harmless substances in the body as a cause of disease (“poisoning”).”

If something is poisoning us, it must enter our systems through our skin, by breathing in, or by being something we eat or drink. As diets became “richer”, cholesterol certainly fell into that category and was suspected as a contributor. However, to claim that cholesterol is the cause clashes with the fact that the Eskimos’ huge diet of saturated fats did not lead to atherosclerosis.

Dr. Price theorized that the culprit might be chlorine. Chlorine (bleach) was added to water supplies in the early 20th century, just before the heart disease epidemic began, to eliminate waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Chlorine is a poison and was distributed to everyone in the cities through public water systems.

To test his theory, Dr. Price set up a controlled experiment with 100-day-old roosters as subjects. The 100 roosters were divided into two groups of 50 each. Each group received meals of a cooked mashed mixture of half corn and half oats with about five percent inexpensive oleomargarine added.

Pure distilled water was exclusively used, however, the experimental group was given one third of a teaspoon of chlorine per quarter of water from twelve weeks of age.

In his book, Dr. Price says, “The results were nothing short of spectacular!” Within three weeks, “the experimental group became lethargic, huddling in corners except at feeding times. Their feathers became frayed and dirty…their pale combs fell off. Meanwhile, the control group was the epitome of a vigorous health.”

After four months, the roosters in the experimental group began to die. Ninety-five percent of these roosters were found to have highly visible thick yellow plaques of atherosclerosis protruding from the lining of their abdominal aortas (the area where chickens develop atherosclerosis).

These chickens also had an extremely high spontaneous death rate and were found on examination to have enlarged hearts and hemorrhaging in the lungs. At seven months, the few remaining experimental chickens were euthanized, with the same results. One third of the apparently healthy control group was sacrificed at the same time and no abnormal aorta was found! The rest of the control group was divided into two groups and the experiment was repeated. After three months, the experiment ended with exactly the same results as before.

In both trials, chickens that received chlorine became sick and those that did not receive chlorine remained healthy and vigorous. Dr. Price proved that chlorine in tap water is the cause of atherosclerosis. How chlorine changes shape to cause our veins and arteries to clog will have to wait for another article.

Why has this forty-year investigation been ignored? Why do we still believe that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease? Perhaps, this anonymous quote is the best answer: “Well-organized ignorance unfortunately often passes for wisdom.”

Chlorine poison in drinking water can be easily removed with a water filter. Protect yourself and your family from the misery of heart disease by eliminating this poison and drinking good, safe water.

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