The 5 best martial arts for self defense

Martial arts have grown more and more over the years. Not only is it a great way to get in shape, it also adds an element of more personal growth to the practitioner. This list looks at five of the best martial arts for self defense.

5. Kick-boxing (muay thai)

Muay Thai, which roughly translates to “art of the eight limbs”.

Muay Thai is from Thailand and is a martial art that uses the foot strike in conjunction with various grappling techniques.

The word muay derives from the Sanskrit mavya and the Thai comes from the word Tai. Muay Thai is known as the “art of the eight limbs” due to the use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes, so eight “points of contact” are used.

A Muay Thai practitioner is known as nak muay. Western practitioners are sometimes called nak muay farang, which means foreign boxer.

4. Wing Chung

Wing Chun also romanized as Ving Tsun or “Wing Tsun” is a Chinese martial art based on concepts and a form of self-defense that uses both the punch and the grip while specializing in close-range combat.

Wing Chun was made famous by Yip Man. He taught legends like “Bruce Lee”.

Wing Chun is a perfect art for people who are not looking to use brute force. The system is based on biomechanics, not brute force and it is recommended that women learn.

3. Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do is a hybrid martial arts system that is a blend of Wing Chun, Boxing, and Fencing, founded and developed by legendary martial artist Bruce Lee.

JKD teaches that the best defense is a strong offense. For one person to attack another, the attacker must get close to the target. This provides an opportunity for the attacked person to “intercept” the attack movement.

Bruce did not believe in methods but in styles. He believed that one should use what he found useful in any martial art and make his own style. Anything that is not considered useful should be discarded.

2. Keysi fighting

The Keysi Fighting Method is a self-defense method that is based on natural fighting instincts and various street fighting techniques, developed by Justo DiƩguez Serrano with the help of Andy Norman.

The Keysi fighting method became famous after it was used in the fight choreography of the Batman Begins movies.

Keysi’s battles use multiple ranges of attack, with or without weapons.

Unlike many other martial arts, Keysi tends to be very close when in combat. It is also based on understanding how people typically move or attack in a fight, so that when striking, the opponent’s body moves to expose more targets.

The Keysi Method teaches one to be able to defend against any number of attackers!

1. Krav Maga

Krav Maga, which means “contact combat”, is an eclectic melee combat system developed in Israel that involves striking, fighting and grabbing techniques, mainly known for its extremely efficient and brutal counterattacks, and used regularly with special forces in Israel.

Krav Maga has a philosophy that emphasizes the neutralization of threats, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers and aggression.

Krav Maga is said to be the most effective martial arts for self defense and threat neutralization.

It incorporates Western boxing punches, Karate kicks and knees, Greco-Roman wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu floor wrestling, Jiu-jitsu throws, and grappling.

Attacks on vulnerable parts of the body are also emphasized: the eyes, throat and groin. Since most situations are a matter of life and death.

One can learn Krav Maga in just 3-6 months, which is very attractive to many interested in learning Self Defense.

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