The basic nutritional qualities of water

Getting plenty of water every day is vital. Your health literally depends on it. Without water, humans could not survive; neither do the trees, plants, animals and all other living organisms on Earth. When it comes to water, there is nothing more important than making sure your bogy gets enough water every day.

Drinking water

All you have to do to start drinking more water is drink when you’re thirsty and with every meal. From there, any additional water consumption is a bonus! Most of the water comes from our beverages, such as coffee, tea, and lemonade. However, some of their food sources also contain water, such as tomatoes, melons, celery, and broth-based soups. Regardless of how you get your H2O, you need to get enough of it.

Water and Health

Water supports your health and your body in a number of ways, including joint support, spinal cord protection, organ protection, temperature control, digestion, appetite, weight management and elimination of waste/toxins (urination, perspiration, etc.). Not only is it important to drink plenty of water every day, but it’s also important to drink more when you need it. Activities and scenarios that would require your body to need more fluids include exercise, hot weather, fever, loose stools, or vomiting.

How to get Plus Water

Drinking water when you are thirsty and with every meal is a great start to drinking more water. To improve your fluid intake levels, there are some tips and tricks you can try. For example, many people will tell you that drinking from a cup with a straw and lid will entice them to drink more. So buy yourself a nice Styrofoam cup to drink in and keep filling it all day. Aim for a 20-ounce cup and drink 6 a day to reach almost a gallon of daily consumption. These are great for home, work, or on the go!

If you like bottled water, you can benefit from freezing the bottles ahead of time and taking them to work or school. This will give you ice cold water throughout the day.

Another great way to motivate your water intake is to think about what you’re giving up. The standard 12-ounce sugary soda contains an average of 240 calories and 30 grams of sugar; By substituting a water instead, you have a positive impact on your daily calorie and sugar intake. Over time, this can improve weight, skin health, bone strength, mobility, and more. Plus, having a glass of water instead of a sugary drink will save you money at restaurants too!

If you have trouble drinking water because it lacks flavor, you can add lemon, lime, cucumber, pineapple, or orange to enhance the flavor. You can also purchase liquid water boosters, such as Crystal Light, Dasani Drops, or Mio. They come in endless flavors, and most are sugar-free and calorie-free.

Improving Water Quality

If your tap water doesn’t look, smell, or taste good, it’s much more difficult to drink more daily. To help, you can install a water purification system to remove contaminants and hard mineral ions that normally reduce water quality. If you suspect your drinking water is not the best it could be, consider a reverse osmosis or water filtration system for your home or property.

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