The best home remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a neuropathic problem. The trigeminal nerve is the fundamental nerve that controls sensation in the face. It is the consequence of the constant compression of the vein in the nerve near the brain stem. Changes in the veins of the brain can cause the veins to rub against the trigeminal nerve root. Trigeminal nerve composed of three branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve, and the mandibular nerve.

It regularly includes the central branch and the lower branch, that is, the maxillary nerve, the mandibular nerve. There is extreme pain in the face from the trigeminal nerve. Extraordinary pain can be felt on either side of the face. Continue for a few minutes or seconds and repeat every day. The pain is generally unbearable and leads people to sadness and self-destructive inclinations.

The pain can be triggered by exercises eg eating, talking, shaving and brushing teeth etc. Certain home remedies when used regularly can be helpful in relieving trigeminal neuralgia pain, but it is always prudent for trigeminal neuralgia patients to see their doctor.

home remedies for trigeminal neuralgia

almond milk

Almond milk intake gives you the necessary supplements essential to combat trigeminal neuralgia. It is ideal to plan the almond milk at home like buying the packaged packs since it will bring you all the benefits of the almond. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin B. They contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the lack of which prevents the absorption of iron. Vitamin B3 (niacin) maintains the nervous system, helps in the synthesis of different hormones and works as an antioxidant.

meBiotin Screen helps all aspects of the body to achieve and maintain good health. It is also a rich source of iron and potassium. Vitamin E, a cellular booster, protects the body from neurodegenerative diseases. In general, it has a direct positive effect on the nervous system and also helps to heal faster, making it a good option for routine admission in trigeminal neuralgia.


Placing heat packs and cold packs on the cheeks and jaw provides instant relief. The packets help relieve muscle pain and work as a muscle relaxant.


Connected, Rosemary’s analgesic properties help relieve pain. The nerve properties help the carnial nerves including the nerve terminal and are therefore beneficial in trigeminal neuralgia. The antioxidant properties boost the immune system, making it heal faster. Being a narcotic for the nerves, it induces the nervous system to calm down in this way, which helps to alleviate anxiety and injuries. It gives the same benefits when taken as a tea, but should be avoided by pregnant women.

Ashwagandha Oil

The use of ashwagandha oil will relieve nerve pain. The soothing properties will ease the pain. The properties of the cancer prevention agent help the immune system to speed up healing. The sedative properties make the nervous system calm. In this sense, the use of this oil will relieve pain.

Cayenne pepper

Mix a pinch of cayenne pepper with olive oil. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper reduces pain by lowering substance P, a concoction that transmits pain signals between nerves. People who drain well and are overly sensitive to cayenne pepper should avoid using this treatment. The antioxidant properties stimulate the immune system making it heal faster. The anti-inflammatory properties relieve inflammation, making it useful for trigeminal neuralgia.

relaxation techniques

Tune in to music as this will help calm your nerves and decrease tension and stress. Develop some side interests for relaxation, as this will help improve fixation, at the same time keep you busy with something positive, and also help calm your nerves and be imaginative.

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