The diet eat more, weigh less: know the pros and cons of this diet

What are the pros and cons of the Eat More, Weigh Less program? This routine is the result of studies aimed at finding ways to end heart disease. With this program, you should eat foods low in fat and high in fiber and vegetables. The consumption of dairy foods should also be reduced. You should eat mainly complex carbohydrates like grains, fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in essential fatty acids like omega 3. You should also eat foods low in saturated fat and sugar content. This program emphasizes the differentiation between good and bad stress and regular physical activity.

The advantages of Eat More, Weigh less diet are as follows:

1. Offers healthy benefits to lose weight.

2. Guides you in the way you create your meals, from preparation to cooking, to make them healthier and more nutritious than your regular comfort food.

3. Nutrition is preserved in food because it recommends healthy steps and procedures to take to prepare your food.

4. Helps you manage good and bad stress.

5. Promotes an active and healthy lifestyle, through sports, exercise and other physical activities.

What are the downsides to this routine?

1. It can be difficult and extremely limited. Meat is out of the picture, so people who are used to eating meat will find it very difficult. The point here is that there is 6% of total calories from fat to consume, very low compared to the recommendation of 25% to 35%.

2. Some people think this is too much for a long-term program. What they do is modify this diet to suit their lifestyles, interests, and personalities.

3. Some people may find it difficult to eat fiber at first. The key here is to start eating fiber slowly and eventually increase your speed so the body can get used to it.

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