The difference between wanting and trying

Give yourself a few moments to think about something you’ve been wanting for a while. Maybe it’s having your ideal body or maybe it’s having the car of your dreams. Now ask yourself, “do I want it or do I intend to receive it?” Take a second to feel the power difference between those statements; I love you. I plan to receive it. Say both sentences out loud.

Often, we throw out intentions like “I intend to lose weight” or “I intend to finish that project,” but we never do. While talking about the Law of Attraction, I heard someone say before, “it’s all about the intention, you just need to give the Universe your intention and that’s it.” Well yes, that is definitely the first step, however, the idea of ​​intention is often mistaken for lukewarm desire. Intention is quite different from simply wanting something. You may want to win a million dollars, but if you intend to receive it, you must be absolutely determined about it.

This may seem like a silly pun, but it’s important to use our language to our advantage as the meaning and energy behind the words we use have power. Bob Frissell, in his book, You are a spiritual being having a human experience, outlines the key to understanding intent by defining it as “the unconditional determination to make the desired change, to put all your power behind your intent, to state what your intent is, and to stand behind the statement 100%.” Very different from simply wanting something but not intending to do anything about it. For example, if you say you intend to lose weight but secretly don’t intend to give up those delicious chocolate bars and hours in front of the TV, then you don’t have the intention lose weight. You’re saying “I want lose weight, but I intend to continue doing what I’m doing.

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, it is important to understand the power of your thoughts and intentions. The beautiful thing about this is that you don’t have to know how something will evolve or emerge, but you can still intend to have it. When you truly intend to have or do something, you are saying to yourself and to the Universe, “I am ready to do whatever it takes, I am ready to listen to my guidance, and I fully and utterly intend to receive this desire.” .” When you really mean to do something, temptations, obstacles, and setbacks can’t stop you. Nothing can stop you when you really mean to do it.

A couple of years ago I decided that I was going to compete in a beauty pageant. I had never competed in a pageant before and had no training, coaching or any kind of experience on the subject, but I was really inspired to transform myself. Also, the following year I would become too old to compete and decided I’d rather reject than regret. However, I was about 20 pounds overweight, and I knew that unless I wanted to move down the runway, I would have to lose fat. And what better way to develop a burning desire to create your ideal body than to enter a competition where you have to wear a bikini in front of a huge audience.

Once I was accepted to compete in the contest, it became my unwavering intention to get rid of the fat, much stronger than a meager wish or desire. When that became my intention, it was easy to resist sugar and junk food, something that was normally quite difficult for me. I also had the motivation to develop and maintain a routine of weights and cardio. In fact, the whole process became relatively easy for me, and to the amazement of my family, I was able to lose weight in 3 months. I was in the best shape I had been in years and felt so good. In fact, I couldn’t believe it had taken me this long to realize how simple it could be to transform. That’s when I realized that if I really intended to do something, I absolutely could pull it off.

That is the power in the intention. Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich has a tremendous quote from his mentor, Andrew Carnegie, about this power. He says, “There is a power greater than poverty, greater than lack of education, greater than all your fears and superstitions combined. It is the power to take possession of your own mind and direct it towards any end you desire. This profound power is the Creator’s gift, and must have been considered the greatest of all His gifts to man, for it is the only thing over which man has the complete and undisputed right of control and direction.”

It feels good to read that quote because I know it’s true. Your focus is your point of power and your intention is your point of focus. When you change your thoughts from wanting something to intending to receive it, you are making a commitment to yourself and to the Universe that this is going to come into your life. When you become serious, you activate the assistance of Universal forces that operate as a cause and effect response to your thoughts and will guide you towards synchronicities and inspired action. That is the great power within all of us. If you really intend to do something, you absolutely can, but you must really intend.

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