The uses of interactive whiteboards

The main purpose behind the use of an interactive whiteboard is to help the person to view any type of text or image that is stored on a personal computer or laptop. Using a pen, marker, or stylus will make the process of using an interactive whiteboard much easier. A fingertip is also sufficient to maneuver the screen on an interactive whiteboard.

All text and images pertaining to a relevant topic can be stored on a computer hard drive and then projected onto a screen using an interactive whiteboard. It is also possible to display pages of a website on the screen using these whiteboards. The cursor that represents the computer mouse can be controlled with a pen, marker, stylus, or even the tip of your finger. Some people also make use of an infrared device to control the mouse cursor on the whiteboard screen.

New content can also be created on the whiteboard surface with the tip of your finger. Browser windows can be opened and closed as well as files that have been stored and even certain specific parts of text can be highlighted in the right way. Certain specific types of software will also be available along with the interactive whiteboard that will convert handwritten text on the whiteboard to text format on the computer.

These interactive whiteboards have become an invaluable tool that can be used in classrooms, boardrooms, and studios as well. Many sports and athletic teams also use these boards when strategizing for their next event. All the essential and important points of a presentation can be highlighted and emphasized in the right way using these whiteboards. The movie editing process in a movie studio can also be done with these slates. Demonstrations can also be successfully conducted using these whiteboards.

There are six different types of subcategories that exist on interactive whiteboards. These include resistive slate, electromagnetic, infrared or optical slate.

Blackboard and ultrasonic whiteboard. The main difference that exists between this type of slates lies in the type of material used in its creation. The difference also lies in the type of tool that will be used to write on the surface of the whiteboard and which will also control the movement of the cursor. The signal transmission method between the whiteboard and the projector will also be different for each type of whiteboard.

Movies can also be viewed clearly when using interactive whiteboards. A lot of money can also be saved when using these whiteboards as it will not be necessary to purchase separate computer systems for each student at a school or university.

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