The Youth Movement – What is your real age?

I can remember the day I was doing a consultation with a young mother who had multiple health problems. She had just told me that even though she was thirty years old, she felt like she was 89. She was very intuitive, she had grasped her “Biological Age” (BA) from her, exactly.

The internal function of the body is something that we rarely think about while we are involved in the “daily run”; skipping a meal, getting little sleep, stressing over deadlines/finances/family, having a coffee, a coke, a piece of candy (or a cigarette). Force your body to keep moving when it tells you it can’t, and you’ve added another day to your BA.

Mass consciousness has focused on the stages of life, from birth to old age, with very little thought about health. Enter the Baby Boomers, the sixty-plus crowd, with a different agenda, the chance to slow down the aging process. Science calls it the longevity factor, and it keeps researchers busy finding ways to prolong life indefinitely.

Immortality: It may smell like science fiction now, but maybe not in another decade or two. In their book Fantastic Voyage, Ray Kurzweil, a futurist, and Terry Grossman, a doctor, share their determination to “live long enough to live forever.” His book has been heavily researched, proving that immortality is at hand, perhaps two decades from now.1

Where will you be in twenty years? Will you be living the active life? Or will the wear and tear of “living” leave you with a weary heart and joints? Has Alzheimer’s claimed your mind or cancer your body? In the past, the biochemistry of aging was cut and dried: aging happens.

The body’s ability to maintain health declines as its 75 trillion cells produce less and less energy, stripped of their life force by things we have no control over, such as a toxic environment or the stress and trauma of children. daily events. But there were also lifestyle choices that take their toll. A weakened body is easy prey to disease and death.

Chronological age, our years on the planet, really has little to do with how we look or feel. Feminist Gloria Steinem, when she turned forty, had a reporter tell her that she didn’t “look forty.” She replied, “This is what forties look like!” She had work to do. Again in her fifties and sixties she made sure we knew her true age. Then, in her seventies, she reminded us again, never missing a beat in her campaign for women’s rights. At seventy, her reflected age was forty-five and her intuitive BA rating was a healthy 30! How does she do it?

the secret is out

Look around. People who are still active in their seventies, eighties, and nineties not only continue to make a difference on the planet, but also look great while doing it. Ask them how old they “feel” and they’ll give you somewhere between thirty and forty; their biological age or internal function is that of a much younger person. It starts with a strong constitution. Rarely sick, these are people who are anxious to keep their bodies and minds moving. You will rarely find them watching television. They water ski, hike, write books, get degrees, start businesses. His facts are newsworthy. My favorite collection of all time is What’s Age Got to Do With It? two

It’s never too late to start de-aging our bodies or, to use the updated term, “rejuvenate.” How far can we go? Not long ago we thought “primary” was eighteen, but recently we have noticed that most healthy people are taking tests at an intuitive age of “sixteen,” regardless of their chronological age. The most amazing!

Tips for Biological Aging

There are hundreds of thousands of people today, desperately trying to regain their youth through extreme means: liposuction, Botox treatments, cosmetic surgery, and stomach stapling. Unfortunately, the body is traumatized by surgeries/”procedures” that cause damage to the Repair Loop, literally putting a limit on the body’s ability to repair itself.3 So Hollywood stars who maintain the “mirror age” with such extreme measures they can literally have a biological age of ninety years due to repair loop damage.

It is best to treat the body gently by using a deep cellular cleansing to amplify the cells’ frequencies for self-repair. Once there, the cells continue to regenerate forever, according to Dr. Alexis Carroll, who received a Nobel Prize for research that showed the cell was “immortal.”4

Youth has always been from the inside out. These are the six secrets of youth, all common sense and none difficult or costly.

1. Intent: Please consider opting out of the “superior” ranking. Watch your thoughts, attitudes, actions and even dress up!

2.Nutrition: Choose “real” food over “fake” food. Natural foods have the highest frequencies necessary for cell repair/regeneration.

o You are what you eat.

o Keep the body alkaline by limiting acidic animal products, which are harsh on the human system not only because they are hard to digest, but because they leave behind an acidic ash.

o The average-sized person needs about two-quarters of “free” (ie, unflavored) water daily to rehydrate cells for fewer wrinkles and optimal brain function.

o Eating quality food not only provides better nutrition but also allows you to feel satisfied after a meal. Your body’s nutritional needs are met, so there is no longer a need to overeat or snack. By the way, calorie conscious people can add years to their lives.

3. Exercise pumps the lymphatic system to bring oxygen/nutrients to the tissues and deals with toxins and even microbes. It is also excellent for the skin and heart, for flexible joints and muscle tone.
Brain exercises are a must!

4. Continue to work in some capacity – volunteer if needed and stay socially active! Television is a brain deactivator. Don’t fall into that trap.

5. Good sleep/relaxation: stressed bodies accelerate aging.

6. Cellular regeneration through cleansing/detoxification: the big one!

o Natural supplementation with vitamins/minerals, herbs, homeopathic, colon cleansing, are definitely helpful.

o For a deep cellular cleansing down to the DNA, including the energy fields, try energy medicine.

You may want to take better care of yourself from now on just because it will keep you young. And conversely, you will stay young because you are taking better care of yourself. It is the circle of life. Mickey Mantle, the famous baseball player, learned this maxim too late. His famous quote was “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

And if you’re still young, you’d like to join in the fun and maintain your youthful appearance by maintaining a low biological age. What happens inside the body will eventually show up on the outside, revealing your “real” age.

Mae West said it: “You’re never too old to get younger.” It’s easier than you think and much more fun than the alternative.

1. Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, MD, fantastic trip
two. Kelly Ferrin, What does age have to do with it?
3. Carol Rose Keppler, M.EI, “Immune Breakthrough: The Newly Discovered Repair Cycle”
4. Alexis Carroll, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate 1912

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