There you are writing and publishing articles, and you lose your internet connection

Most humans, at one time or another, dream of living in the perfect utopia, and yet once we wake up, we quickly reacquaint ourselves with the real world. As authors of online articles, we realize that garbage sometimes happens, or should I be more politically correct and say; “Events happen” and when they happen, we must be ready to change gears, not dwell on problems and look for a favorable outcome or opportunity.

Everyone should consider this. Sometimes interruptions create a CRISIS, but all Chinese know that the symbol for crisis in their written language is a duopoly; it comes from two symbols; Danger and Opportunity. You must be willing to explore this philosophical concept, because it will make you think and prepare your mind for future power outage, ISP challenge or downtime during your online writing routine.

Young people these days go crazy if they can’t log into MySpace or send a text message or Twitter, seriously they go crazy, and even most adults get very out of it if they can’t check their emails. RELAX PEOPLE! Don’t let this happen to you in your urge to publish or write articles online. Have a plan.

Use that time for something positive, reading, writing ideas or titles for future articles; you just have to have a plan, stay flexible and be able to quickly change gears. That’s what I do, and you know what, it works because success usually goes to the most agile. And who knows what opportunities you will find in times of crisis. I always find opportunity in chaos, so should you. That’s all for now, have fun writing.

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