Things to know before buying any sunscreen

We use sunscreens to protect ourselves from sunlight, but is it safe to use your sunscreen? Are you sure it’s not causing any problems? Maybe you’re pretty sure your sunscreen is perfect, but you could be wrong. You will be surprised to know the alarming data provided by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Believe it or not, only 25% of sunscreens can protect us from dangerous UVA and UVB rays! You must be scared. Nowadays, we are very concerned about the use of sunscreen, but we do not care about using the right sunscreen, which is really bad. Below are some important factors to know if you use sunscreen. Remember them so you can get the best product next time.

Your sunscreen might have retinol or vitamin A: Many sunscreens contain retinol or vitamin A, which is very dangerous. It could create tumors! Do not expose your skin to sunlight for up to a week if your sunscreen contains retinol or vitamin A.

Think of SPF: SPF is a very common term for sunscreen users. As a sunscreen user, you should know that you can get rid of UVB rays, but not UVA rays. Many manufacturers exploit the term SPF. They make high SPF products and sell them claiming they are good for the skin, which is not correct. If you’re sitting outside knowing your high SPF sunscreen can protect you from dangerous sunlight, then you’re wrong. Sunscreens cannot defend UVA rays well. Therefore, sunscreens with SPF higher than 50 should be avoided.

Don’t Overlook Oxybenzone: This is another chemical you should pay close attention to. It could mix with the blood and cause reproductive problems, thyroid problems, etc. You see, how devastating it could be. I bet you never thought that your sunscreen could harm your reproductive system. Unfortunately, more than 50% of sunscreens contain this dangerous chemical. Therefore, always read the labels before purchasing sunscreens. Also, avoid benzophenone or benzophenone-3; They are all the same.

Avoid sunscreens in spray, powder, or wipe form: If any chemicals act like hormones and you could breathe them in, you should avoid them. Another downside is that you may not get the right amount if your sunscreen is in a powder, spray, or wipe form. You’ll be glad to know that after 2013, there will be no sunscreen in powder or wipe form.

But what is the solution? Obviously, there are some good sunscreens available on the market. According to EWG, beach and sports sunscreens, SPF moisturizers, SPF lip balms, and SPF makeup are better than other so-called sunscreens. The most important thing to know before using any sunscreen is that sunscreens are not the first choice for protecting your skin from UVA and UVB rays, according to the EWG, WHO, and the American Academy of Dermatology. First of all, you should avoid scorching sunlight emitted from 10 am to 4 pm. Then you should cover your body well by wearing hats, long pants, long sleeves, etc. Next comes sunscreen; use a suitable sunscreen. Have beautiful and glowing skin. Good luck!

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