Top 10 Solid Examples of Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning in Action

What is classical Pavlov conditioning?

This theory can be defined as a form of associative learning that was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist. Since Ivan Pavlov founded this theory with his innovative research techniques, it is also known as “classical Pavlov conditioning.”

More explanation on classical Pavlov conditioning

The typical procedure for inducing this theory involves pairing an unknown brand, things, words, and music repeatedly together with some other stimulus that you already know automatically elicits positive feelings or emotions. Let me enlighten you with more examples of classical conditioning theory in action if you are still blank.

10 solid examples of classical conditioning in action

  1. Matching popular music along with the products in the advertisements to generate positive feelings and liking for the products.
  2. The Christmas music played in the store can trigger the sweet memories and habits of giving and sharing in a consumer’s mind and thus persuade them to enter the store.
  3. Political candidates try to appear on television with patriotic background music to provoke patriotic sentiments from voters.
  4. Consistent advertising of a product on exciting game shows can cause the product itself to generate an enthusiastic response.
  5. Guys tend to associate with whatever girls like to make a good impression on their mind and ultimately win their hearts.
  6. Girls may tend to symbolize themselves as a “sex symbol” to instantly attract guys to approach them to start a relationship.
  7. People who receive chemotherapy often vomit during or shortly after the procedure. After several chemotherapy sessions, people begin to feel ill when they see the treatment room.
  8. The sight of food will make you hungry. Soon, every time you go to the kitchen, you will also feel hungry.
  9. Whenever you watch a horror movie, you will always eat a box of fine mints. Now you will discover that just the sight of fine mints scares you.
  10. If you put in a new person who is an excellent cook, after a few great meals, you will really like that person.

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