Top 7 iOS App Development Trends for 2018

Over the years, iOS app development has changed significantly. It is exciting to see the latest trends in this area. We have seen some of the biggest updates in iOS 11 and we brought a lot of features. With Apple bringing such great updates, iOS trends are sure to become more relevant.

Let’s review the upcoming trends in iOS app development for the coming year, 2018 and beyond.

1. In September 2017, iOS 11 revealed a list of some of the best features. One of the biggest was the most noticeable update, augmented reality apps.

Amazon announced a number app platform compatible with Apple’s ARKit. This special platform is highly compatible with Apple’s ARKit framework, which allows iPhone and iPad app developers to create augmented reality alongside virtual reality and other 3D apps. Big brands have already started investing in the development of various platforms to support the ARKit framework. Therefore, we expect to see many more AR/VR apps for iPhone and iPad users in the future.

2. Apple brought along its machine learning framework known as Core ML. This machine learning framework is currently used by Apple in various products such as Siri, Camera, and QuickType. iPhone developers can easily use this Core ML in their iOS apps to make them feature rich. To achieve this, you may need to include a few lines of code inside your applications in the framework code. Core ML has several libraries that incorporate machine vision techniques for face recognition, AI game development, as well as natural language processing. All these 3 libraries will be user interaction with switching devices. It will increase security by allowing apps to recognize faces to deliver some features. The gaming industry will surely experience some power in real games. With Core ML, iPhone developers will build highly interactive apps for years to come.

3. Apple’s Swift programming language continually improves its position in the application development market. It is Apple’s general programming language, precompiled for Mac OS, TVOS, and iOS. Apple introduced Swift 4 that Swift is much more powerful. It will still be easy to learn. Swift 4 is equipped with all the strengths of Swift 3 and has the ability to build robust and scalable applications. Thanks to this update, iOS developers will be able to make applications faster. This is done without compromising security features during application development. Applications developed with Swift 4 consume less storage space. In the year 2018, Swift 4 will provide much faster and more secure iOS apps.

4. Siri remains a favorite among iOS device users as an intelligent personal assistant. Since its introduction, it has generated waves. It just keeps getting better as Siri continues to understand what we’re talking about and what we’re looking for. Now, contextual learning along with artificial intelligence, Siri offers a GPS pin during messaging. Siri also appears as a task manager. It allows the user to access the Citi Mobile application and much more. Siris KI will become a big trend in 2018.

5. The Apple Home Kit is a framework from Apple designed specifically for home automation. The idea is that smart devices that are present in the home can communicate with each other. Siri can be used to guide her. In the development of applications for iPhone, the creation of apps with Apple HomeKitz will be carried out. Gives attached devices the ability to obey commands. They are activated with these commands or with Siri. A centralized application can also be created to completely streamline the home automation process. Apple’s HomeKit is sure to set the trend in 2018 and beyond.

6. One of the main features of iOS 11 is the app called File Management Files. With this app, iOS users can manage different cloud apps in one location.

With the Files app, the user can easily create their own dashboard to manage things in cloud apps. You will not need to manage things in different places. With this trend, plus an iOS 11 feature, iPhone app developers can innovate. You can build stronger iPhone apps. It allows users to improve connectivity with various file apps as well as the iOS experience.


iOS will continue to trend as Apple comes out with new updates and features. It will continue to be a problem because of their customer service. With the great features of iOS, developers will create more intuitive and modern apps. If you want to build such an app, you can hire an iOS developer who understands these trends. It will help you develop and help develop better apps. It will also help you position your position in the market for application development.

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