Types of Freshwater Aquarium Sharks for Your Fish Tank

Aquariums are fantastic pieces to have in the home, as they can create a sense of peace and tranquility. There are many types of aquariums that can be kept, from cold water to tropical, and each variation has its own set of wonderful fish to discover. There are several different types of freshwater aquarium sharks, and the one you choose will depend on the size of the tank you have.

A shark can be a beautiful addition to any home tank, but make sure you do your homework on them first. Some are very territorial and may attack other fish, while others require a hide. Also, it is never a good idea to keep more than one type of shark in the tank and this can lead to aggressive behavior in some species.

One of the best types of shark is the Bala or Silver Shark, this is a very peaceful shark that looks a lot like the real thing. They are compatible with most other fish, but they can get very large. In some cases they can reach lengths of up to 12 inches. To keep this fish, it will be best to have a school of around six of them, which means your tank will need to be at least 90 gallons in size.

The rainbow shark is quite conspicuous, having a greenish-black body with bright orange or red fins. This fish has to be a single purchase as it will become aggressive towards other sharks in its territory. On average they grow to around 5 inches and make sure the fish you will be introducing has plenty of space to hide if it throws one of its tantrums. A tank of at least 29 gallons is recommended for this fish.

The redtail shark is similar in most ways to the rainbow, its body being darker in color with only the tail fin colored, but it has the same aggressive tendencies as the rainbow.

Another option is the Albino Ruby Shark, this one has a cream colored body with red or orange fins. It is a good community fish and rarely becomes aggressive, it can be kept in schools of up to three, but if the tank is smaller then just one is recommended. This fish can grow to around 6 inches or more and make sure you have a cave or log for them to hide in. They also make great jumpers, so make sure the lid fits snugly and be prepared when it comes to cleaning the tank.

There are also sailfin sharks which have larger dorsal fins, they can fight each other so it is better to keep them as a single fish rather than a school, but they are generally peaceful with other species. However, it is not recommended to keep them with small fish, as they may eat them. These fish can grow to around 2.5 inches long.

When considering fish for any tank, you should seek expert advice, as factors such as tank size and other occupants will have an impact on what you can and cannot put. Some fish are fin nippers so keeping them with other fish that have large fins or tails is a bad idea as they will intimidate and nibble at the other fish’s fins.

Similarly, you need to understand the maximum size of each type of fish to ensure that there is enough space in the aquarium for them to grow and live comfortably. If a fish cannot grow to its natural size and is slowed down by room, it will most likely die younger and have other problems related to stunting. They may just be fish, but you need to be aware of their needs and do your best to respect and care for them.

Fish are no different than any other pet you might have, each one has its own list of requirements and in order for them to live a happy and healthy life they need to be able to grow and move freely. If you can’t afford a big tank, make sure you go for a smaller shark and only have one. It’s also a good idea to keep the rest of the inhabitants small to ensure that everyone has enough room to move and grow.

If you are in any doubt as to which shark will follow your current setup, speak to a member of staff at any good aquarium store as they have the training and knowledge to be able to recommend the best shark for you.

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