types of parrots

You walk through a bird store, or visit the aviary at the zoo, and there may be several types of parrots. You study them and begin to wonder, “What kinds of parrots are there anyway? How many kinds of parrots are there?”

Actually, there are more than 350 types of parrots if all the species and subspecies of the group are considered. Many of the most common types of parrots are from Australasia and the tropics.

parrot families

All parrots, regardless of their type or breed, belong to the scientific order Psittaciformes. That scientific order is divided into two different parrot families: Cacatuidae and Psittacidae.

The Cacatuidae family includes only the cockatoo, a bird that is native to Australia and islands near that continent.

The second family of parrots, the Psittacidae, includes all types of true parrots.


To most people, the cockatoo is a large, white parrot with a feathered crest on its head that it can lift high in royal splendor. However, that is only one of the types of parrots in this family. There are 21 different cockatoos and not all of them are white.

1. The palm cockatoo is mostly dark gray in color, with red cheek patches below the eyes, cheek patches that change to a deeper red when the bird becomes excited or alarmed.

2. The male Gang Cockatoo is dark gray with a cherry red head and red crest. This type of parrot is often called a red-headed cockatoo.

3. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is often called the Rose Cockatoo because of its soft, pastel pink hue.

4. The cockatoo’s plumage is medium gray above and lighter gray below. It has an orange cheek patch and a prominent white flame on its wings. It has a much longer tail than the other cockatoos.

So cockatoos are not always a type of white parrot, and not all cockatoos have the same build.

true parrots

This family includes all other commonly known types of parrots. The list that follows is not intended to be exhaustive, but in this family you will find types of parrots such as these:

1. African Greys: Said to be the most intelligent of all types of parrots. A large gray parrot with a red tail, some of these birds have vocabularies approaching 1,000 words or more.

2. Amazon – This popular type of parrot includes around 27 subtypes. Most are big, cuddly and favorably green.

3. Parakeets: Officially known as a parakeet or parakeet, this type of parrot is small and colorful. It is one of the most popular parrot pets.

4. Conures: This type of parrot appears to be a group of large parakeets. With long tails and strong beaks, these “clowns” come in a variety of colors.

5. Eclectus: Eclectus parrots are unusual in their coloring. For one thing, the males are bright green, with bright candy-corn-like beaks, blue or red tails and wings. The females, on the other hand, have red heads, blue breasts, and the same red or blue wings and tails. Instead of looking like candy corn, they have black spikes.

6. Lovebirds: Lovebirds are a type of small and stocky parrot, among the smallest in the world. Many are green, sometimes with red faces or eye rings.

7. Macaws: Native to South America, this is the largest type of parrot in wingspan and length. The Blue and Gold Macaw is especially beautiful.

8. Parrotlets: These may look like parakeets at first glance, but this little type of parrot has a broader body and tail than the parakeet.

9. Pionus: There are many types of parrots under the Pionus parrot name, and this larger, quieter parrot comes in many color varieties.

10. Quakers – This type of parrot is often called a monk parrot or grey-breasted parakeet. It is a name that comes from the facial feathers that resemble an old Quaker costume.

There are many more types of parrots than this article can list or discuss, even superficially. You will find much more information in your library or bookstore.

The best types of parrots for children’s pets

One final question is this: “What types of parrots are there that would make good pets for children?”

Many children are attracted to large parrots because of their colors or their reputation for good talk, but large types of parrots do not make good pets for children. They require firm handling and training, and do well as pets only when the owner has first had experience with smaller parrots.

The best type of parrot for a child’s pet is the parakeet, also known as a parakeet or parakeet. The small parakeet requires the least amount of care and is easily trained to talk and do tricks. Parakeets that are young, or those without a cage mate, will learn more easily.

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