Understanding the reasons for network solution domain forwarding

Whenever you buy a domain, you generally think that the process of setting up a website is simple and doesn’t require much. However, as this Network Solutions domain forwarding article will explain to you, there are a lot of things that come up in the process that will cause you to do a thing or two that you hadn’t really anticipated.

Network Solutions domain forwarding refers to a process by which you make it possible for someone to find a certain website with different domain names. This is quite similar to what happens with phone numbers. You can configure your phone in such a way that if someone calls you at a certain number where you are not available, they can find you at another number where you are available.

Why is it like this

There are many people who generally wonder why the heck would someone forward all domains to one website when one actually owns both domains. In this article, I’d like to explore the reasons briefly before talking specifically about Network Solutions domain forwarding.

Trademark protection

The first reason some people forward their domain names is to protect their trademarks. A good example is Wikipedia. Being a non-profit organization, it has adopted the extension of the.org. However, you will find that even if you type it with the.com extension, you will still be able to find it. This is to ensure that no one comes up and records a Wikipedia with the a.com extension. You will notice that since the.com extension is very popular, people will try to write it with the .come extension until the day they realize that it is actually a.org.

Another thing that causes many people to forward their domain names is due to the change of the official domain name of the company. For example, if you had a website that specifically talked about stocks and whose domain name made it clear, but you wanted to expand and talk about other financial assets, it is quite obvious that you will be asked to change your domain name. . However, since you will still want to retain your loyal visitors, you will need to ensure that when they click on your initial URL, they are not disappointed with “page not found” messages.

You can do this through your account with Network Solutions to ensure a smooth process. If you encounter any obstacles, it is recommended that you check the information provided on the website.

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