Vote yourself on the island someday

If someday! I will one day! i hear the word “Someday” all the time. Someday I’m going to lose weight (I say it every New Year). Someday I’m going to start my business. One day I will quit my job, travel the world, quit smoking, write that book, sing on stage… live my dreams. I know “Someday” I used to live on the island of someday.

One day he was going to play professional soccer. I was a talented 5’10”, 246 pound fullback running a 4.56 40 yard dash. In 1995 that was awesome. I could block, catch and run. Triple threat running back. Maybe you’ve heard of me? Don’t bother Apparently I never played after high school But one day I was going to be a professional baseball player Unfortunately I lived on Someday Island.

Are you living there now? It is said that the road to someday leads to the town of nowhere. You end up somewhere but not where you wanted. Someday never shows up. If your goals are always just around the corner, you will never reach your destination. Don’t get stuck on Someday Island.

the island of excuses

Someday Island also has a nickname and it is called the Island of Excuses. The road to average is paved with intentions. 95% of people with intentions get a disease called “Excusitis”. There the marriage is bad, their parents didn’t like them, they went to the wrong school, they were too fat, too tall, too thin, too short, or _____ fill in the blank.

Losers make excuses, winners make progress. The island is not deserted. You have friends, family and co-workers there. Most of the time you share your apologies. It feels good and misery loves company. There are many ways to get off the island, but you never venture to the loading docks.

If you want more sales in your business, a bigger list, a stronger team and more cash flow, you have to vote for Someday Island. Head to the loading docks and board that canoe, boat, raft, ship, plane or helicopter. Do not tell anyone. They will arrange a stay for you at the party island or try to destroy your transport.

Here are 4 things you need to do now to vote yourself out of Someday Island

1. Develop self-discipline – I just finished the book, no more apologies, by Brian Tracy. He took 21 steps to develop self-discipline in his business and personal life. Unless he has a wealthy relative or just won the lottery, there is no ship coming to save him financially. The only way to escape the island of average is with work, persistence, diligence, and consistent daily action. Average people hate those words.

Self-discipline is the key to success. You know, but you can do it every day. Self-discipline is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it, whether you like it or not. It’s the willingness to practice the fundamentals of your business every day. Don’t get bored with the basics.

Athletes train for years to make it to the Olympics or to become professionals. Doctors and lawyers still go to school and must practice their profession. The animators spent hours rehearsing. You need the same discipline in your business.

2. The path of least resistance – People fail in their home businesses because they always take the path of least resistance. It takes time to learn a marketing strategy. Patience is needed to test your capture pages, funnels, and tracking systems. Sorry, there are no push button success systems that promise you wealth without the work. The path of least resistance draws you in, but it will always lead to failure.

Yes, you can buy traffic and leads throughout the day. But can you convert? Are you willing to learn a marketing technique and make your business profitable? People look for the easy way out instead of learning SEO, PPC, Email Marketing or direct mail. Pick 1-3 marketing techniques and master them.

3. The convenience factor – The brother of the path of least resistance is the convenience factor. People seek the quickest and easiest way to get the things they want, now, with little or no concern about the future consequences of their behavior. Never mind the natural laws of rocking and harvesting.

Average people do what is most convenient and fun. Not what is necessary. This is why you see people jumping ship, changing teams, or switching companies because they don’t have the self-discipline to build their business.

4. Time to leave Someday Island – Self Mastery is the key to getting out and staying out of Someday Island. Plan your escape now and don’t let the average waves carry you back to shore. Follow these steps to vote for yourself on Someday Island:

  • Have a clear vision of how much money you want to earn
  • Commit to being in the top 20% of earners in your industry
  • Invest 3% of your income in personal development and marketing training
  • Commit to self-mastery
  • Progress, no excuses

Actions exceed intentions every day

Actions exceed intentions every day. The action never fails. Self-discipline requires daily action, and daily actions are the only way to vote yourself out of Someday Island.

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