Walking for Weight Loss: Is Walking an Easy Way to Speed ​​Up Weight Loss?

Believe it or not, walking for weight loss is a highly underrated exercise that can actually help speed up weight loss. Did you know that just walking or strolling for 30 minutes can burn around 70 calories? Walking fast is capable of burning almost twice the calories. Doing this just 4 times a week could result in cutting up to a total of 520 calories.

walking to lose weight it’s a wonderful low-impact exercise that almost anyone can do. Taking a short 30 minute walk is also known to be a valid stress reducer. Most experts advise burning between 1,000 and 2,000 calories per week, just with exercise.

Ladies, I’m sure you’ve heard of the dreaded midlife spread, haven’t you? The midlife spread typically affects women in their 20s and 30s. Walking is a powerful tool that most women overlook when battling the midlife spread.

When using the brisk walking weight loss strategy to speed up weight loss, you should be walking fast enough to get your heart rate up, but still be able to easily carry on a conversation. Walking for weight loss is an easy calorie burner that should be used in your daily arsenal of weight loss weapons.

Try adding 30 minutes of exercise to your daily routine to help speed up your weight loss. This doesn’t have to be walking either, but make sure the exercise you choose is enjoyable so it’s easier to stick with. Take dancing, for example, dancing can be fun, but it also burns up to 150 calories per half hour. If you like to work outdoors, mowing your lawn with a walk-behind mower can burn up to 200 calories per half hour. However, 30 minutes of raking leaves can help eliminate up to 140 calories.

Getting started is really the hardest part. Once you start a weight loss plan, make exercise a part of your daily life. Alternate between exercises, so you don’t get bored with your routine. Also, finding a partner to exercise with can help you stay focused. Working out doesn’t mean joining an expensive gym, there are many different ways to work out without spending a dime! Adding 30 minutes of exercise a day to a good fat burning diet will result in fast, effective and long-term weight loss. Start walking to lose weight now!

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