Washington State Law on Driving Under the Influence and Where to Turn

Very rarely do people think they are too drunk to drive until it is too late. Unfortunately, they don’t realize the consequences of their actions until after they’ve been arrested for driving under the influence, causing a car accident, or worse, injuring someone as a result of drinking and driving. Either way you look at it, there’s no excuse for driving after you’ve been drinking.

Getting arrested for driving under the influence has lifelong implications. If you’ve ever been charged with or arrested for DUI, think about the many ways his life will be affected afterward. Punishments vary from state to state, but all are severe. Your driver’s license will be suspended; his impounded car; and face heavy fines. If driving is a major part of your job, a DUI arrest could mean termination of your employment, since most companies will not hire or retain people with criminal records.

One such state that has fairly strict DUI laws is Washington. Did you know that the state DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your driver’s licenses in the event of a DUI arrest? You read that correctly. You can lose your license simply for being arrested for a DUI regardless of whether you are convicted or not. This is why it is so important to contact a reputable Washington DUI attorney soon after your arrest.

In addition, the state of Washington requires you to attend a mandatory evaluation and treatment program after a DUI conviction. The state will schedule a meeting with your Seattle DUI lawyer to make an evaluation of your relationship to alcohol and/or drugs. You will be assigned to attend a treatment program based on that assessment. These treatment programs are mandatory and are often part of their sentences. The Washington DMV will not reinstate your driver’s license unless the assessment and treatment aspects of the penalty are met.

When someone is arrested for drunk driving in Washington, one of the first things to think about is hiring a Seattle DUI lawyer to represent you in court. The first and probably the most important thing to understand is that not all lawyers are the same. You will want an attorney who specializes in DUI law. You wouldn’t hire a divorce attorney to handle your criminal defense case, would you? It only makes sense to hire a Washington DUI attorney for your case.

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