What are some common home remedies for allergies?

Hay fever and other forms of seasonal and atmospheric allergies can make life a real misery, especially during an outbreak. Although the irritants can differ from person to person, the results are often the same: itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, fluid retention, and swelling. In some extreme cases, sinus congestion and irritation can even lead to a life-threatening infection.

This is perhaps why the allergy industry is a billion dollar industry. Every pharmaceutical company has come up with their own miracle cure for allergy sufferers. The problem is that some of these remedies can cause a number of side effects, including drowsiness, which adds to the allergy symptoms.

reducing the irritating

Some experts tell patients to simply avoid the irritant, but how feasible is that if the entire world is to blame? You can’t miss work or stop picking up the kids because of the pollen. Likewise, it can be almost impossible to reduce other problems, such as mold. It would seem that the real solution would be to find natural remedies that are cost effective and provide long lasting results.

Well Known Home Remedies

Allergies can greatly reduce your quality of life and cause you to miss important life events. On the other hand, prescription or over-the-counter sleep-inducing drugs can be just as bad, reducing your ability to function normally.

However, with the wide range of home remedies available today, there is a great alternative that can enable sufferers to perform essential tasks even in an environment that would trigger reactions.

Some of the top herbal remedies that provide relief without interfering with routine activities include but are not limited to:

Oh chamomile – This sweet-smelling and tasting flower is a natural antihistamine and is said to also calm frazzled nerves. Most people take this herbal remedy in tea form, but some can find it in supplement form at a local health food store. There is a caveat, though: People with ragweed allergies should avoid chamomile, as it belongs to this family of plants.

Oh garlic and honey – For decades, people have sworn by this home remedy and modern science was able to figure out why. Garlic has amazing decongestant properties, while honey effectively combats common everyday allergens. To get the full benefits of these potent agents, one should crush a clove of garlic, soak it in a teacup filled with hot water, and mix it with one to two teaspoons of honey. Drinking the concoction twice a day will open up the sinuses and increase resistance to environmental allergens.

Oh ginger – Ginger is a healing root that has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for centuries. As a natural remedy it is second to none, especially when it comes to annoying hay fever. Because it’s known to boost immunity and reduce histamine production, it’s the front-line ingredient for anyone looking for natural allergy remedies.

Oh Green Tea – Green tea also has a natural histamine blocker. Thus, it can provide resistance against the onslaught of irritants that trigger allergy attacks. Mixed with peppermint oil or leaves, you can get the combined effect of a quality decongestant that won’t make you drowsy.

There are even some people who believe that eating a tablespoon of raw honey can counteract the effects of allergens. Although this has not been clinically proven, the use of this simple herbal remedy persists to this day.

be proactive

Of course, you can allergen-proof your home by vacuuming frequently, using HEPA air filters, and telling visitors not to smoke in your home. If you smoke, try to cut down on cigarettes during flare-ups. You should also make an effort to shower and wash your hair daily, as outdoor exposure puts us in contact with triggers that can cause discomfort later on.

By staying diligent in fighting allergens, allergy seasons may stop taking a toll on you altogether, giving you greater control of your life and destiny.

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