What does it mean when you draw the tower in a Tarot card reading?

The Tower In A Tarot Card Reading.
This symbol is related to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, which its builders intended to reach heaven. This never happened because God made them speak different languages ​​and they couldn’t communicate with each other.

Lightning itself is associated with both anger and destruction, as well as fertility and inspiration in myth. Zeus, the father of the gods, threw lightning demonstrating his power.

Both the Tower and the lightning are masculine symbols and Mars is the planet linked to this card. Mars represents assertiveness, aggression, energy and activity. In the tarot, the Tower precedes the Star, a card that very clearly represents the feminine principle.

When you draw the Tower in a tarot card reading, the tarot card meaning is an uplifting, disruptive, or even violent change that is about to turn your life upside down. But the change is necessary and positive because of its results in freedom and enlightenment.

The changes represented by the Tower can come from deep within the psyche. These new ways of thinking can seem like a radical change in belief and can burst into awareness without much warning.

You may find yourself in a bad mood, as another meaning of the Tower tarot card is anger.

The Tower also denotes a sudden change of residence. You may decide to sell, a buyer walks in the next day and within a couple of months you are living somewhere else and trying to catch your breath.

When it comes to your career, you may have been in a rut and this upheaval is giving you an opportunity to break out of it. For example, a new and unexpected source of income appears out of nowhere; suddenly you feel inspired to train for a new career impacting friends and family.

When the Tower refers to a relationship, he is warned that the partnership was not what he really thought it was. The partnership wasn’t really based on true feelings or maybe one of you is just cheating on the other. If the relationship is on a solid foundation, expect a bumpy ride before things settle down. Basically, that is the meaning of the Tower tarot card if you draw a tarot card reading.

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