What does the hermit mean to you in a tarot card reading?

The Hermit Card is the tenth card of the 22 trump cards (Major Arcana) and is associated with the number 9. When drawn during a reading, it is usually a sign that you may find yourself drawing inward during this period. and you need to take some alone time to maybe take a break from stress, relationships or even routine to untangle your thoughts, get away from outside noise, to be more grounded and connected.

At this time and age, millennials, for example, may be guilty of checking social media, email, or text messages too often, leading to being too overwhelmed with work. It could also mean that you may be going out too much or spending too much time caring for someone. The hermit is a symbol of tranquility and rest. He represents taking a step back and looking within to remind us that taking care of our spiritual health and having periods of seclusion can be beneficial to our happiness.

This will help you regain a better sense of yourself and renew your depleted energies. Most importantly, this feeling of peace gives you the ability to focus enough so that you can sharpen your intuitive abilities.

However, this does not mean that it is a period of resting on your laurels, laziness or hiding from the world. The Hermit is an active seeker of knowledge and teaches us to look within, meditate, reflect, investigate, and continue to expand our understanding of our mission in life.

Everyone has an internal compass, but when we’re filled with too much noise, we get distracted and sometimes it’s hard to decipher the signals. Noise can be muted (pun intended) by doing things that take your mind off the event. It could be just going for a walk or run, reading a book, or meditating. There are people who find a big difference after meditating on how it positively impacts their day.

In a relationship reading, this card is not an indicator that love will never happen for you. Instead, The Hermit is telling you to learn to love yourself in solitude during this period of time. Use the time to enjoy your own company, look within, and discover more about yourself. When we fully love ourselves, we give others permission to fully love us.

If you’re in a relationship and find that your partner is asking for more time for themselves, honor their request and give it to them. This does not mean that they are giving up on the relationship. It means that they really need some alone time to figure something out in their own minds or just to recharge their batteries.

The special thing about this card is that after a period of seclusion, there usually comes a period of inspiration and creation. Great works of art are often produced after the artist recharges after a period of time.

In short, when you feel overwhelmed, take a breather so you can think more clearly. Sometimes it may feel like you are alone, ask for help when needed during your introspective journey.

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