What happened to your chihuahua? A small dog rescue update

Chihuahuas are disproportionately overcrowding pet shelters and small dog rescue agencies, at least in California. Chihuahuas are the most popular dog breed in Los Angeles, so it makes sense that they are the most neglected breed, said Madeline Bernstein, president of the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Experts say pop culture is to blame for fans imitating chihuahua celebrities like Paris Hilton and Miley Cyrus, then ditching the dogs. Apparently, in the California Bay Area at least, Chihuahuas are replacing pit bulls as the most neglected breed in animal shelters, and shelters and rescue groups are seeking the help of the public.

Reasons for the glut is the breed’s popularity in movies like “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” and as celebrity pets, said a senior coordinator for the Chihuahua Rescue of Beverly Hills. There are so many Chihuahuas in shelters in Oakland that they have started sending dogs out of state, said the director of Oakland Animal Services. And so it is with increasingly disturbing reports that these wonderful animals are being turned over to shelters and rescue agencies for small dogs and perhaps some are not lucky enough to be turned over to a shelter.

Chihuahuas cost ten cents a dozen, and most of them are bred and sold by people who have no idea how to breed good-natured dogs. Although they are adorable and wonderful dogs, Chihuahuas are not suitable for everyone. The Chihuahua is the perfect friend for anyone interested in a long-term companion.

Chihuahua the breed: the good news

Good news first, then some bad news, then I’ll end with a positive thought or two. Always do your homework before acquiring or adopting any pet. Hopefully, they will be with you for many years. It is a great decision, especially if there are children of any age in the home.

The Chihuahua is recognized as one of the oldest dog breeds. Historical facts about the pyramids and ruins indicate that Chihuahuas existed before the 16th century. It is said that the ancestors of Chihuahua were the companions of the ancients during the 9th century and were used for religious reasons.

Chihuahuas crave attention, affection, exercise, and being petted. Pretty typical of a dog, right? Chihuahuas with proper breeding are not noisy; the American Kennel Club standard calls for a “terrier-like” attitude. Chihuahuas often like to dig and snuggle up in blankets to sleep on. Now I know we all love that. Just make sure your bed isn’t too far off the floor. We don’t want legs to break when the little one jumps out of bed by surprise. Chihuahuas are a lively breed of dog that loves human companionship. They are alert dogs with terrier qualities. They are one of the smallest dog breeds, making them part of the toy dog ​​group.

They are a relatively intelligent breed, but Chihuahua training is said to be not easy. They move and come in two coat varieties: short hair and long hair, but they have minimal grooming needs. Long-haired Chihuahuas tend to have a softer temperament. Chihuahuas are one of the longest-lived dog breeds and can live up to 18 years or more. They do not like the cold and appreciate a sweater on cold days. Chihuahuas are tenacious, proud, and very energetic.

They are best known for their small size and large, erect ears. Chihuahuas have very different personalities that don’t really depend on their gender, but they are all unique just like people. These little ones also have a wonderful sense of play. They do have some exotic colors, but focus on healthy and happy puppies as your first priority when making your selection.

Now for some bad news

This breed is not recommended for households with young children, but it does well with older people or couples, or with an owner who loves to pamper their pets. Being naturally territorial and protective, Chihuahuas can be easily provoked to attack and are therefore generally not suitable for households with young children.

Chihuahuas are NOT suitable for children, no matter how well meaning children are. A small child can break a dog’s leg in a second. Do you have the idea that this breed is not recommended for households with young children? If you make the right decision, you won’t need to call your vet or small dog rescue.

Diet-More Bad News

Chihuahuas are sometimes picky eaters, and care must be taken to provide them with proper nutrition. “They will eat when they are hungry” does not apply to this breed. Chihuahuas are prone to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels and could be in critical condition if allowed to go too long without food. Chihuahua owners should have a simple sugar supplement on hand to use in an emergency, such as sweet syrup or honey.

Overweight Chihuahuas are susceptible to a higher rate of joint injury, tracheal collapse, chronic bronchitis, and a shorter life span. Chihuahuas are sometimes picky eaters and care must be taken to provide them with proper nutrition. Overfeeding a Chihuahua can be a great danger to the dog’s health, shortening its life and leading to diabetes.

Be a responsible shopper and stick with Chihuahuas that will mature from 4 pounds, who have the best chance of living a normal, healthy life. You can see that they may require a bit more attention, especially in the area of ​​nutrition, than some other breeds.

Veterinary care

This breed requires expert veterinary care in areas such as childbirth and dental care. Dental problems are a common health problem with this breed, so keeping them clean is of the utmost importance.

Some common health problems for teacup Chihuahuas are bladder stones, heart and tracheal disease, which means excessive coughing, and sometimes arthritis. Chihuahuas are also prone to some genetic abnormalities, often neurological, such as epilepsy and seizure disorders. They are prone to eye infections or injuries due to their large, round, protruding eyes and relatively low ground clearance.

Positive thinking about Chihuahas

Funny, alert and fast-moving with a cheeky expression, Chihuahuas are highly intelligent and should not be underestimated even if they are small in size. Chihuahuas are smart, graceful, and sometimes too brave for their own good. Chihuahuas are appreciated for their devotion and personality. While Chihuahuas are often thought of as nervous and fragile, proper training and socialization can make for excellent companion animals.

If you go deep enough into the positives and negatives of each breed, this breed can hold its own against health issues. And accept it, how cute they are. I think they are extremely loyal and protective. What more could you ask for in a companion pet?

Don’t forget the puppy accessories. You should have a small dog crate for your new Chis. This is for your potty training and your safety. Of course, a pet carrier is a must. You will need new clothes to keep you warm.

If you’ve done your homework and think a Chihuahua is right for you, now is the time to help ease the pressure and adopt one.

“She is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are her life, her love, her leader. She will be yours, faithful and true, until the last beat of her heart. You owe it to her to be worthy of so much. devotion. ” – Unknown

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