What is Equine Therapy Used For?

Equine Therapy

What is equine therapy used for, and how is it performed? Equine therapy is the treatment of horses with specific disorders or conditions. Some equine therapy procedures are performed to help horses suffering from musculoskeletal conditions. Other conditions treated with equine therapy include chronic hoof conditions, arthritis, cystitis, heart disease, obesity, dental problems, and thyroid disorders. The purpose of therapy is to improve the horse’s quality of life, relieve pain, and prevent further injury.

Equine therapy can be performed by a veterinarian, in-home specialist, or at a rehabilitation center. Typically, the horse is sedated and anesthetic is used for animals that are obese or overweight. The horse is then given various therapeutic exercises in order to encourage proper joint mobility. These exercises strengthen the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones of the animal and should be used on a daily basis to prevent recurrence of the condition.

In the past, therapeutic care for horses was performed by untrained individuals who observed the horse without anesthetic. However, the use of sedation techniques have greatly improved since then. While this may not be an appropriate treatment for a horse that is currently suffering from an acute injury or illness, therapy will most likely prove beneficial for neglected horses that are otherwise healthy.

What is Equine Therapy Used For?

Equine therapy is typically started when the owner notices abnormal behavior, pain, swelling, or loss of appetite. If these problems do not improve in a few days, the owner should make an appointment with a veterinary technician to determine if the problem is indeed serious enough to seek treatment using a specialist horse care product such as Manebogics. It should be noted that therapy only treats current conditions, so owners should continue to supply their horse with basic horse vitamins and supplements. A horse’s diet should also be reviewed and altered if necessary to promote healing.

What is equine therapy used for is also important to consider because some equine doctors recommend it as a first-line treatment. This means that it should be used when horses exhibit behavior such as circling, jumping, rearing, bucking, or straining while being ridden. Because the animal will be prevented from further injuries, the therapy can be very effective. Many equine specialists agree that routine checkups are critical to keeping your horse in peak physical condition. A good therapy can help prevent chronic illnesses from developing due to hoof, bone, and joint issues.

What is equine therapy used for doesn’t have to be limited to horses. It can also be used for cattle, swine, ostriches, cats, dogs, and other pets. Because equine therapy can be performed using professional equipment, you should always make an appointment with your veterinarian. Your vet will make sure that you are providing your pet with the best care possible by diagnosing the problem and then providing the appropriate treatment.

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