What is the largest candle in the world?

How many people have asked this question: what is the largest candle in the world? Not many, but without flinching, I’ll keep going no matter what. It’s a mission that will take you from one side of the world to the other, meeting all kinds of people, from the eccentric to the slightly deranged.

The search begins, unsurprisingly, in the United States. Here everything has to be bigger and better and that is the motto of the people of Warm Glow Candle Outlet. Located in the leafy surroundings of Centreville, Indiana, it has become locally famous as one of those places to go if you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary to spend the day – that, of course, and candles, of course. Their products are, they proudly tell the world, larger and larger than life and if you browse their attractive store, you’re bound to agree.

They come in all shapes and sizes here, but the star of the show, the main attraction if you will, has to be what it proclaims as ‘The World’s Largest Sail’. It is actually part of their outlet store and draws visitors from literally miles away.

However, there are other contenders for the crown and for the next one we jump in our tardis and head to Stockholm and the year 1897. At the Stockholm Exhibition what has been described as the largest candle ever recorded was displayed. It is said to have been a weeping eye eighty feet tall and eight and a half feet in diameter.

However, other sources give the title to the old firm Ajello Candles. In 1921 he created the spectacular Enrico Caruso memorial candle. It measured five feet in circumference at the top, tapering to 18 inches higher up. In total, it measured 18 feet, and once burned, its creators claimed it would continue for 1,800 years, burning one day each year on the anniversary of Enrico Caruso’s death.

In 2005, Jerusalem decided to start building the world’s largest Hannukha candle. She reached eight and a half meters in height and 85 cm in width and came in a variety of colors. She was in the city’s Pisgah shopping center and captivated visitors. However, we have to disqualify it here on the grounds that it was understood from various other candlestick games. Collective efforts cannot be allowed.

These are just some of the candidates for the world’s largest sail. Others may arise and perhaps we can return to this wonderful topic at some point in the future, so at least you have been warned.

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