Why can’t men remember anniversaries?

Do you have trouble remembering special dates like birthdays, holidays, wedding anniversaries? To find out why, let’s see which dates we can remember and which we can’t:


Everyone can remember their own date of birth even though most of us have trouble remembering the actual day of our birth!

So why do we remember our birthday?

Well, presumably it’s because we celebrate it. every year with our family and friends, and is a key part of every form we fill out. If we forget our birthday, we could never get a passport or driver’s license, get married, buy insurance, go fishing… you get the idea!

Holidays and other celebrations

Most of us can remember these holidays and celebrations:

  • Christmas day: December 25th
  • New Year’s Day: January 1
  • National ‘birthdays’: for example, US Independence Day: July 4, Canada Day: July 1st
  • Valentine’s Day: February 14th
  • Commemoration Day: November 11th

Why do we remember them? Well, they’re rooted in tradition, they fall on the same date every year, and for most of them, we’re rewarded with a day off work!

Most of us celebrate other religious holidays and festivals, such as Easter and Thanksgiving. These events are important to us spiritually, emotionally, or simply because we have the day off to spend with family and friends! We know approximately when they occur, but because the dates vary each year (for example, the first Monday in September), very few of us know the actual dates.

Other people’s birthdays and anniversaries:

Most of us can remember the birthdays of those who are close to us: relatives, close friends, spouses. But it becomes more and more difficult as the relationship weakens and most people turn to calendars and Facebook to remember their friends’ birthdays. As for other people’s wedding anniversaries, these are quickly forgotten and traditionally not celebrated by non-family members, except perhaps the 1st, 10th, 25th, and 50th.

Why do we remember some dates?

Based on this research, it appears that the reasons we remember certain dates are:

  • Repetition: The event falls on the same date every year.
  • Duration: The longer we have been celebrating an event, the easier it is to remember it
  • Importance: How important is the event and what is the penalty for forgetting it?
  • Tradition: The event is religious or part of popular culture.
  • Celebration: The more people participate, the more likely we are to remember
  • Rewards: Receiving gifts or having a day off work seems to improve memory!

Wedding anniversaries should be memorable.

A wedding anniversary seems to meet almost all the criteria for a memorable event. It falls on the same date every year, it is traditional to celebrate it and we receive gifts. It is the most important date in a relationship and many say that it was the happiest day of their lives. Not only that, but the penalty for forgetting can be quite severe!

Why can’t men remember their wedding anniversary?

I suspect it has a lot to do with:

  • Duration and rehearsal: By definition, we don’t start celebrating wedding anniversaries until after we’re married, so it’s a new date for us and takes a while to sink in. So if there’s any good news, it’s that the longer we’re married, the more likely we are to remember!
  • Support: Also, if we forget, we have to trust our friends to remind us. So for men, that means having to rely on other men to remember their wedding anniversary. Imagine the possibility of that!

I also think it would help if:

  • They gave us a day off to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
  • We had to use our anniversary date on all government forms.
  • Our friends would help us remember by celebrating with us
  • We receive thoughtful gifts to show that we are appreciated.

Why do women remember anniversaries when men don’t?

I think the answer revolves around the time and emotional effort women invest in wedding planning and preparation, who are generally more romantic than men, better at celebrating life’s important events, and have a stronger network of friends who help them remember. Of course I could be wrong, I usually am! I would love to know what you think, please leave a comment below.

Celebrate your anniversary!

I’m proud to say that I’ve never forgotten my wedding anniversary in thirty years of marriage, and I’m sure there are many more men out there who have a similar track record. Likewise, I’m sure there are some women who have ever forgotten their anniversary. Regardless of your previous record, you can correct it in the future.

So if you’re having trouble remembering your wedding anniversary date, you’re not alone! Look it up, write it down on a calendar, or set an electronic reminder.

And, if your anniversary is coming up soon, you need to celebrate it in style. Let me show you how in Anniversary Tips

Happy Anniversary!


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