Why Heart Beats Talent Every Time

I believe that talent is one of the most overrated attributes when evaluating what it takes to be successful. Although talent is very important when it comes to acting, it often has little to do with how success is achieved and by whom. The world is full of talented people, but why do so few people live and achieve their dreams?

What does it really mean to have a heart? The heart is the intangible; the invisible ingredient that is difficult for the average person to explain and measure. The heart is the magic, the juice, the things, the fifth gear, the overdrive that the great achievers in life take advantage of when challenges and obstacles appear. Heart is making a conscious decision to live an exceptional life rather than an average one. Average people (about 97% of society) let events shape their lives, while exceptional people can change their perception of challenging events and overcome them.

The heart has little to do with size, weight, color, creed, education, intelligence, IQ, lineage, where you grew up, or, most of all, talent. Virtually everyone has raw and untapped talent. The problem is that most people never lose their talent. Instead, they hide behind him, too afraid to take risks, to be vulnerable, and most of all, to risk not being perfect. Fear and procrastination (unjustified perfection) becomes the opponent. Taking risks to get out of your talent is where the heart begins.

Learning to live in the moment, the present is also where the heart begins. This means making your move before you’re ready, challenging yourself and your limiting beliefs, standing tall in the face of adversity, and taking on life’s challenges without having to prove you’re good enough. Having a heart means possessing a quality called courage, for which there is always a market and it never goes out of style. Exceptional people harness their courage when faced with adversity and take an immediate step toward a solution, even when the solution takes them into unfamiliar territory. Average people often choose to stay on the problem simply because it is familiar to them and they fear being vulnerable when faced with the possibility of not performing perfectly on the solution.

When it comes out of what is perceived as comfortable, it is often uncomfortable at first. These first tests are what really allow you to learn and grow from adversity and gain knowledge and wisdom about the causes and effects that stop “wanting to be seekers of success.” Usually, when we are put to the test, we are about to learn our greatest lesson.

The heart can be seen medically through microscopes and surgery, but it cannot be measured with normal vision. The heart is about feelings and emotions rather than thinking and contemplating. This means being outside of yourself, your head, your ego and being inside your heart and loving the process, the evolution of change. Having a heart means being able to take any ball in life and say, “Follow me! I don’t know how we’re going to get there, but we will. Just give me the ball.” The heart is what separates the average from the exceptional.

The heart is what separates the average from the exceptional and I have learned in life that the heart beats to talent all the time. Show me a man or woman with a heart and I will show you a way to surpass someone else’s talent. We all have talent, talent borrowed from God, more talent than is humanly possible. That guy or that woman is so talented that it’s incredible. Look at how talented he is. They are loaded with talent.

These are all statements that refer to how much potential a man or woman can have. We all have this; It is a gift from God. Unfortunately, not many people step out of their talents, instead they hide behind it and stay in it. They remain in your ego; fear of reaching their human potential; fear of taking risks and being vulnerable; afraid of becoming the person they really deserve to be.

Now, “deserve” is a very interesting word and it is a word that prevents many people from becoming who they really could be. What the word deserves references in Latin is “de servire”, which means day of service. When you have self-esteem issues or are not feeling well enough, you send a telepathic mixed message in a business or life situation that says things like, “Please join me, but don’t follow me because I can.” I will guide you. “Or” Please reject me, because I am not lovable. “Or” Don’t go out with me because I wouldn’t want to date me either. “Or” Please send me money, but don’t send me money because I don’t I feel comfortable with him. I have an emotional stamina and I want to keep it away because I don’t deserve it. I was born on the wrong “side of the slopes.”

This is how many people stick to their talents, afraid to take risks. Any kind of success will involve risks, and average people resist taking risks because they think they have to be comfortable. The comfort zone of the average person is really a miserable zone and you have to feel uncomfortable, you have to get out of the box, you have to move into the present to become the person you deserve to be. This is where you will have to take some risks. This doesn’t mean that you jump off the Brooklyn Bridge with a challenge, but rather that you start taking a more calculated risk than you are normally comfortable with. This is when you really start to stretch and grow and become the person that you really are. Risk is really a perception. And sometimes the biggest risk is not taking it.

Change is not as difficult as you think. You are already a brilliant person, you are a masterpiece in progress, and you have the ability to design your life instead of making a living. People who stay in your talent stay in your safety zone. They don’t stick out; they are stuck, procrastinating, using money as an excuse and using perfection as an excuse. When your excuse becomes credible to you and you become the excuse, constant reminders of how talented you are doesn’t help much.

Coming out of your talent

Now, let’s take a look at what it’s like to capitalize on your talent and some of the feelings we get when we actually take this step. Being out of your talent is the hands-free zone; it is a state of flux; it is a relaxed state of consciousness; he is playing like a child.

People ask me all the time, “How can I flow?” A better question is, “Why do you walk away from it once you’re in it?” I ask people to smile and laugh. When you see someone who laughs, they are in a state of fluidity. They don’t have to try to flow.

The average person spends too much time trying to achieve, rather than just being. If you are being, you are in the moment, you are in the now and that is where you can really access your heart consciousness. This is the highest level of consciousness where you really attract the people, situations and opportunities that you are looking for. When you are out of your talent, you are who you really are. You are riding a bicycle with no hands. Success comes to you and it comes to you instead of you chasing it.

Being out of your talent is when you are present; then you unleash your full potential. You begin to transmit, telepathically, your thought waves throughout the universe from a position of peace. It means that you love who you are so that you can love what you are becoming and doing. What you do becomes a game instead of a job. You develop tact, delicacy, you slide, people want to touch you, be with you, become you, you become what is called a people magnet. You vibrate from a level that says, “I feel very comfortable with who I am and who I am becoming.” You vibrate from a position that says, “I am the leader you are looking for.”

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