Why start a running program?

Last weekend I had the pleasure of introducing a friend of mine to her running program. She had come to tell me that she wanted to start and that I would help her. So on Saturday, she became a runner! It was great to see her excitement when she completed her first run!

There are so many reasons why someone should start running. Here are some:

1. First of all, running is absolutely free! You don’t need to join a gym, you don’t need to pay monthly fees, you don’t need to buy fancy equipment, just put your shoes on and walk out the door!

2. Running will help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. If you’re a little overweight when you start, you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll lose a few extra pounds.

3. You will have a lot of energy! I know you’re probably saying, “No way, it takes power to run.” You might feel a little tired the first day or two, but then you’ll see what a difference it makes. I run first thing in the morning and I have energy that lasts me all day.

4. Running keeps you young. Another that I don’t know the physical inner medical workings behind it, but I do know that I feel many years younger than I am. Running seems to give you a glow and keeps everything toned.

5. Running is a great stress reliever! If you had a bad day, or have something going on in your life, lace up your shoes and head out the door. It will really clear your mind, and it’s a lot cheaper than a therapist!

6. It’s your “me” time. Being an only child, I enjoy some time to myself. If you have a busy lifestyle, it’s not always easy to do…work…children…spouse. But running will give you that sanity time you need!

7. Think about things. Running is great for sorting through things you may be dealing with. I’ve reasoned through many problems, come up with great ideas – you’ll be amazed at how many things you’ll solve during your runs.

8. Takes you outside. I work from home, so running is my time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Even if you work in an office, it’s important to get outside. And that’s good for everyone!

9. Help a charity. Once you start running, you may want to enter a race to earn money for a charity. There are so many races and groups that raise money from road races. It’s an easy way to help others.

10. Medical benefits. Runners have been shown to have lower blood pressure, better cholesterol levels, etc. Running keeps you healthy inside and out!

There are many reasons to start a running program. So get out there and, as Nike says, “Do it!”

PS: If you’re already a runner, pass this along to someone you think needs a little push to get them out the door!

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