Work from home: the ultimate straw effect

We know the idiom “It’s the last straw that broke the camel’s back.” This idiom is derived from a story about a camel loaded with straw until a single straw placed on top of the rest of the load broke its back.

“It’s the last straw that broke the camel’s back” implies that there is a limit to everyone’s endurance; everyone has their breaking point. Equivalent idioms can be found in many languages, among others Danish, Swedish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian (listed on Wikipedia), in the form: the drop of water that made the glass/barrel/bucket overflow.

“The straw that broke the camel’s back” is therefore used to refer to the final little extra burden that makes the whole of one’s difficulties (for example, in working from home) unbearable, which ultimately caused the collapse of something, or something seen as the latest in a series of unacceptable occurrences, such as giving up on pursuing the opportunity to work from home online.

However, I want to shed a different light on this idiom. I invite you to see the camel not as a victim, but as a barrier or obstacle that must be broken. In this light, the bottom means something – effort, contribution, or push – that ultimately causes the stubborn barrier(s) or obstacle(s) to collapse – such as fruitlessness, rejection, or failures in your work from home. . However, we all realize that this last straw can be effective only if loads and loads of chaff have been loaded beforehand.

Using the example above, futility in your work from home business can be overcome only after a lot has been contributed to the work from home business. You finally break through the hurdle in your search for the opportunity to work from home online!

Colonel Harlan Sanders drove across the country, sleeping in his car, looking for restaurants that might be interested in buying his fried chicken recipe. It was rejected 1,009 times before someone finally said “yes”. He made a fortune as the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken because he didn’t stop after being turned down 1,009 times.

Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb and failed. However, he said, “We know that there are two thousand elements that we cannot use to make a good light bulb.” Edison finally gave the world the electric light bulb because he didn’t give up after the long series of failures and instead he tried one more time.

The straw that broke the camel’s back for Colonel Sanders and Thomas Edison finally opened the door of opportunity.

Your journey to work from your home business is full of barriers, hurdles, and hurdles that you need to overcome – “the camel” whose back needs to be broken. Do your best to complete your job search from your home based business. Work hard. Be persistent. Do not give up; always give ‘one more try’. Be faithful in loading and loading and loading your straws on the back of the camel. Eventually, the last drop placed on top of the rest of the drops broke the camel’s back: the stumbling block to their pursuit of the opportunity to work from home online. Your big success or breakthrough (a broken back) from the work from home business is achieved by one seemingly inconsequential addition (a single straw).

‘The last straw effect’ works for Colonel Sanders and Thomas Edison. It will work for you too. You will find that the straw that broke the camel’s back will lead you to your goal of being successful at work from home.

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