Your Guardian Angel and your Akashic Record

You may have heard of the Akashic Records in connection with the famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce. It is said that he relied on the Akashic Records in making remarkably accurate predictions for the future. He also used them to cure illnesses, entering a trance and describing the condition of the sick person, as if he could see directly into their body.

Angels are involved in the Akashic Records on two levels. Our personal guardian angel records our thoughts and actions, keeping our personal Akashic Record updated. And the angels who oversee the Akashic Records are called the Lords of Karma. We have all heard of karma. Essentially, it means: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Many people believe that there is a repository of all the information accumulated by humanity, since its creation. This is because energy cannot be destroyed, but simply transformed into a different form. Many scientists, including Carl Jung, believed that this vast store of thought and knowledge could be tapped into, and this is the source of all inspiration.

It is said that many creative people, such as Mozart and Shakespeare, were able to access this source directly. That would explain why Shakespeare, a writer from a rural backwater, seemed to know so much about kings and how their courts act. The writer, Coleridge, was hard at work writing his incredible work “Kublah Khan”, when a knock on his cabin door somehow broke the connection and the rest of his creation was lost. And Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the light bulb and the gramophone, also talked about ideas that come out of nowhere.

It is also believed that every thought and action that every human being has ever had is recorded in what they call the Book of Life or the Akashic Records. Think of this as a giant database of human life, much larger than the database on the world’s largest supercomputer.

The word “Akasha” in Sanskrit means “boundless space”, but the concept of such an existing record spans many cultures and religions. Mention of them appears in both testaments of the Bible, as well as in the folklore of the Arabs, Assyrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians.

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