Your New Year’s Goals: 11 Action Steps for Year-Round Success

Like most, when you think back to the beginning of this year, I bet you set yourself a lot of goals for the New Year.

Maybe this was the year that you were finally going to lose weight and get in shape, start your own business, get a promotion at work, or possibly meet your dream partner.

Well, with this year almost coming to an end, how did it go?

Did he act them out and carry them out?

Did you achieve them with relative ease and therefore set more challenging goals for yourself?

Or did you just blitz and end up achieving nothing or very little of what you thought you could?

If you’re into the latter, then don’t give up. Acknowledging these shortcomings is the first giant step toward creating positive change in your life.

The problem with New Year’s goal setting is that we always make initial promises to ourselves that things will be different.

We promise ourselves that we will be more focused, disciplined and motivated to achieve our goals, but within a couple of months or even weeks we are repeating the same behaviors that have brought us so many disappointments and failures in previous years. .

The great Albert Einstein famously said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

How can you create change in your life and achieve more of your goals if you keep acting and behaving the same way?

Your results will change when you change.

If you really want to achieve your New Year’s goals, you need and must be willing to take a different and more effective approach.

Throughout the year, we all at some point set ourselves goals, big and small, so we don’t need the start of a new year to whip out our goal-setting caps and notepads.

However, a new calendar year has the psychological effect of giving us more focus, motivation; and somehow a chance to wipe the slate clean and give us a fresh start after our failures the year before.

This attitude is particularly prevalent with ‘serial failures in goal setting’, yet individuals who achieve goals and achieve high achievements never seek new beginnings; they simply build on their past successes, building more and more momentum and thus achieving bigger and better results.

So, do you want to get out of the habit of using the dawn of a New Year as a time to wipe the slate clean and start anew, and instead set exciting new goals that will allow you to continually move forward to experience better results in your life? lifetime?

As I mentioned earlier, the reasons many of us fail to achieve the New Years Goals we set is because we follow the same old approach in the form of our behaviors and actions.

This New Year, we are going to turn the page. Let’s start applying a new approach that will keep you moving forward day after day, month after month, year after year toward the achievement of your most cherished goals.

Here are the action steps to achieve your New Year’s goals and bring success to your life:

1) Don’t bite off more than you can chew:

Start small. Choose small goals that you can accomplish in a short space of time. Once you’ve achieved them, you can create others for yourself.

Also limit yourself to 3-4 targets at a time. More could potentially overwhelm you and also cause you to lose focus.

2) Write down your goals

Putting your goals on paper is a great way to stay focused and motivated to achieve them.

Writing them down also gives you more clarity and purpose of what you want to achieve and where you want to go in life.

3) Share it with someone

Revealing your goals to a close friend, family member, or mentor will make you more accountable and involved in seeing it through.

Telling someone will also encourage them to do everything they can to achieve their goal, so as to avoid the embarrassment of having to admit that they didn’t follow through on their plan.

4) Post them.

Set your targets in a place where you will see them regularly, ie your refrigerator door, your bathroom mirror, or on top of your PC screen.

Continually looking at your list of goals will help you remember what you aspire to achieve and what you are after.

5) Read them out loud.

Make it a ritual of yours to read your goals out loud at least once a day. Read them with emotion and feeling and also try to visualize your success in achieving them.

Doing this again will keep you motivated and motivated, but it will also serve as a way to imprint on your subconscious mind what you want to achieve in your life.

6) Take action

Take inspired steps each day to ensure you keep moving toward your goal. Every step you take will bring you closer to what you are looking for in life.

7) Check your progress.

Every night review your goals and ask yourself if you did everything possible during that day to get closer to what you want. If you find that you haven’t, make any necessary adjustments the next day to ensure that your actions are as productive as possible.

8) Find an expert

An expert can be a coach, mentor, or just a friend who has achieved the goals and successes you strive for.

Having someone like this that you can call on will help you deal with the setbacks, challenges, and mental blocks that you will often face. They will also keep you focused and motivated on your goals.

9) Affirm your success

Create positive affirmation statements that you can use to replace the nagging negative self-talk you may often hear in your head.

When you notice a voice in your head that questions or doubts whether you can achieve the goals you’re striving for, immediately replace it with a clear, positive affirmation.

10) Reward yourself.

When you have reached a milestone or reached a particular defined goal, remember to reward yourself. Be sure to celebrate all of your successes, big or small. This will make you feel good about yourself and inspire you to keep going to achieve greater things.

11) Achieve More

Finally, once you’ve reached your goals and given yourself enough of a reward, immediately set new goals and simply repeat the process.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, high achievers build on their past successes in order to achieve even greater results.

Follow these eleven steps to success and achieving your New Year’s goals and I’m sure you’ll be celebrating an approach and formula that will deliver endless results for not only next year, but for years to come.

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