10 Facts About Native American Rattles

When visiting the Southwest, try visiting an Indian pow wow. The Native American rattles will be a very interesting part of the ceremony. If you want to learn more about Native American culture, you’ll love the authentic rattles made from various natural materials. Indians also call them Native American shakers, and some people use them for rustic and Southwestern decor.

1. Rattles have become icons of Native American heritage. They represent the different indigenous tribes. In native culture, rattles are one of the most popular instruments used during ceremonies.

2. Different tribes use rattles now as they have for generations. They are used in public gatherings. They are also important in the spiritual connection with the creator.

3. Historically, Native American rattles have been essential to tribal ceremonies and are symbolic for each tribe that wears them. Symbols often include those of the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.

4. A turtle shell container can represent the animal kingdom. The earth paint used to decorate the rattle may represent the mineral kingdom. Small rocks can also represent the mineral kingdom as they are placed within it. The plant kingdom is usually represented by the rattlesnake handle.

5. It’s interesting that not all tribes used drums, but most did use rattles throughout history. Some tribes used elaborate rattles made from tortoise shells or carved gourds. Some tribes almost exclusively use kelp rattles.

6. One type among the American Indian tribes that was the most popular was the rawhide rattle. Each tribe had its own way of making rawhide bells. They used different patterns and symbols in their work with beads, colors, and designs. By studying the designs and colors used, you can tell which tribe made it. They were handmade works of art.

7. One thing the tribes had in common is that they used rattles as part of their music and dance. They were also used for medicine and spirituality.

8. Native rattles use many natural materials such as leather, rawhide, beads, and feathers. Other options include antlers, bones, and shells, as well as hides, leather, seeds, and rocks. Each of these are the ones that the artist uses to create a personal and unique Indian rattle.

9. What’s inside the rattle is just as important. Many times, corn, bean or manzanita seeds or trade accounts are placed inside. An interesting custom is to use small smooth stones collected from the opening of an anthill.

10. Music and songs, as well as stories, have always been an important part of Native American teaching. Sharing legends and teachings through ceremonies and rituals keeps cultural traditions and beliefs alive.

There is something exciting about owning one and it is easy to buy Native American rattles online. Show off a rattle with your rustic Southwestern decor. Or use an Indian rattle in your drum circle and enjoy authentic Indian art on native rattles. You will certainly be drawn to the colorful culture and rattling sounds of Native Americans.

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