10 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Raise Healthy Kids

1. Limit TV, computer, and game time.

Children tend to be addicted to video games or watching their favorite shows. They can keep doing it for hours. Therefore, it is important to limit the time they spend doing these things. Furthermore, it is a proven fact that children who tend to sit all day in front of screens tend to become more obese faster than an active child.

2. Spend quality time.

Spending quality time with your children can mean a lot to them and will make them more willing to try something new if parents encourage them. Try to promote long, hilly walks and vigorous bike rides. Do some outdoor activities that you wouldn’t do on a normal day.

3. Involve them.

Although many children do not like to do housework, it is a good way to distract them and help parents around the house. Also, doing household chores will give them a sense of responsibility and keep them away from problems and things they shouldn’t be doing.

Four. Mandatory game time.

Kids joining a sport they enjoy is a great way to meet new people and get plenty of exercise. It was teaching the children a valuable lesson in how to work as a team and cooperate with other children in a polite way.

5. Go for a walk instead of taking a car.

If you have to buy something at a nearby store, don’t always take the car. Take your children and take them with you for a walk to the store. That’s a great way to promote some movement in your kids if they don’t do much. Alternatively snatch them, if they want ice cream they have to walk there and get it.

6. There is no homework immediately after school.

Don’t encourage your children to do their homework immediately after school. Let them do some fun outdoor activities with their friends. It is important for children to be active after school and before dinner.

7. Allow them to express themselves.

Don’t try to decide what your child wears or not. Of course, set ground rules, but decide your entire wardrobe for them. Let the child choose what he wants, that way he can express his sense of style. Do not always go choosing things to do, signing up for events without their consultation. Their opinion about things is the most important, since they will be the ones who support them.

8. Feed them healthy foods.

Eating healthy is very important, it can prevent many future illnesses and injuries. Do not allow your children to eat potato chips, candy, ice cream, etc. all day. Limit them to a limited portion at a certain time from time to time, every day is not good. Also, try mixing it up! Mix a variety of fruits in the blender and add a scoop of ice cream, or give them celery with melted chocolate, apples with peanut butter. There are so many options; you just have to take the time to find them.

9. Listen to them.

When your child comes home from school, listen to what he has to say. Don’t cut them for your own business. Allow them the opportunity to say what they need to say, who knows if they might discover something new. If you do not listen to what your children have to say, it could put distance between you and your child, it can have a great emotional effect.

10. Allow your children some space and independence.

Allow your child some independence, that does not mean that it is okay for him to leave uninformed or come home late, it just means that he is not in his space. If your child wants to hang out with his friends in the park, don’t always join him, or if he’s playing video games in the living room, don’t sit there and watch his every move. It is okay if your child wants to do things on his own, he is growing and you should expect changes.

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