9 secrets of success in real estate sales

Sure … you took the real estate course. You have the technical knowledge to perform. You know about real estate marketing, you know what real estate sales contracts look like, and you know what to do at the time of settlement. Great. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking more about those “soft” skills that you didn’t necessarily need to learn to get your license, but that are the key to success. Here are just a few skills and characteristics that have been shown to increase the chances of real estate sales success:

1. Communication skills

Good oral, written and listening skills are the key to success in real estate. This is so basic that I hardly wanted to mention it. objective because It’s so basic, I had to do it. As a real estate professional, you deal with people all the time. Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively is the foundation of your business. It not only means the ability to achieve mutual understanding, but it also means making sure everyone involved is aware. Listen carefully, speak and write clearly, provide and solicit feedback, and confirm that all relevant parties have been informed.

2. Interpersonal skills (the sympathy factor)

This may seem silly, but the real question is: do people What you? The reason I’m asking is because the overwhelming evidence shows that people tend to do business with people they like. [I know. Not exactly rocket science.] But it is something so basic that people tend not to give it enough consideration. So what makes a person nice? Well, people tend to like people who are: polite, a good listener, helpful, respectful, honest, trustworthy, and empathetic. And that they show a genuine interest in them and have a positive and optimistic attitude. Therefore, to the extent that it is considered likeable, your business will benefit.

3. Organizational skills

Being organized is having structure and systems in place. It means you know what to do, when to do it, where to do it, how to do it, and why you are doing it. The organization promotes efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, and clarity of mind. And it saves you time and energy. Some tools you can use to help organize your real estate business include: to-do lists, a virtual personal assistant, a smartphone, a calendar, and a contact management system. And if you insist, yes, a sticky note is not out of the question. What works best for you. Because when you are organized, there is order. Without order, there is chaos.

4. Relationship skills

Building relationships is a skill. Usually it just doesn’t happen. It takes effort. Meeting new people and then ignoring them won’t do the job. After making a new contact, communicate regularly. You can: call, email, email, have lunch, etc. Determine the frequency based on the type of relationship you want


5. Objectives

Goals give you a sense of direction and clarity. They provide you with a roadmap so you know exactly where you are going. Written goals with deadlines work best. You can set daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and even longer term goals. Make sure to check them regularly to make sure you’re on the right track. You can always make adjustments along the way, especially if you find that your goals have changed.

6. Patience

Court! This is a big problem. Especially when it comes to short sales, foreclosures, or complex commercial real estate transactions. They are usually time and labor intensive. So being able to wait patiently while things progress will be good for business and your blood pressure.

7. Persistence

I respect. The real estate market has its ups and downs. Ideally, you should be able to maintain an adequate level of business either way. On the one hand, this means having a sustainable business model. On the other hand, it means having the determination, adaptability, creativity and vision to succeed, even if the real estate market slows down. Persist and you’ll still be on your feet even after others have thrown in the towel.

8. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is the foundation on which to build almost anything. It is the faith and confidence that you have in yourself. It prompts you to act. And it is what will help you overcome obstacles, if they arise. To boost your confidence, focus on your strengths, commit to lifelong learning, have a Plan B, and stay positive at all costs. If you think you will be successful, you will most likely succeed.

9. Self-knowledge

You will save a lot of time and energy if you know what you are passionate about. When you know exactly what interests you, you don’t waste time on unrelated matters. You are focused. For example, if you have a passion for laying on the beach, sunbathing, and having drinks with small umbrellas, you may want to develop a niche in beachfront properties. In the same way, selling historic properties would only lead you to bananas and it would lead you directly to the house of the poor. Know who you are, then “do it yourself.” You cannot lose yourself when you follow your bliss.

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