A Complete Guide to Building Muscle – Nutrition

You have reached a turning point in your life where you are now convinced that enough is enough. You are ready to achieve your goals at any cost. Really, any cost? Most spend countless hours in the gym with virtually no results. What went wrong?

Did you consider nutrition?

The basis of your being alive is what feeds you, food. The same is true not only for survival, but also for changing the appearance and function of your body. Building muscle changes the way you go about your daily tasks. You will feel healthier, you will look better and you will have more confidence in yourself. Let’s consider 3 essential rules to understand the basics of nutrition to build muscle.

Rule #1: Eat more

You may have to get comfortable with this first rule, I know I did. It basically boils down to increasing your caloric intake.

I have seen bodybuilders take this rule too far. How? Loading up on calories of low nutritional value. We have this fast food thing here in the Northeast called “poutine” pronounced “poo-t’sin”; believe me it tastes much better than it sounds. It’s a big plate of fries topped with a mound of cheese curds and topped with a hot chicken-style BBQ sauce. Now, can you imagine the nutritional value of this food? Some serious weightlifters eat this stuff regularly thinking it will help them reach their goals. Well, some of these same guys have big arms, but a big belly that goes with their empty diet.

Rule #2: Eat Well

Here’s what you can do now to get what your body craves for serious muscle building: lots of protein on a regular basis. Your protein needs can come from wild fish, red meat, eggs, poultry, dairy products, and the like. Start your day with a healthy dose. Remember this tip: Eat at least 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. This speeds up your metabolism to prepare you to eat more throughout the day by fueling your muscles. A whey isolate protein shake will cut it. I prefer to add 4 raw eggs to my smoothie to bring the protein count up to 60 grams (I’m glad I don’t have to stress that eggs aren’t dangerous to your health, on the contrary, they’re now considered the perfect food!) . Pre- and post-workout shakes can include a scoop of protein powder and a cup of your favorite fruit juice to cover your training session’s carbohydrate requirements.

You’ll also want to eat lots of vegetables. One way to do this is to keep raw and steamed vegetables within easy reach to avoid the pitfall of junk food. I suggest signing up for a fruit and vegetable basket program that offers a full range of local produce. Take the time to prepare your vegetables ahead of time, cooked or not.

Rule number 3: Eat regularly

Once your metabolism is up and running, your body will demand food more often. Eat about every two hours. Gradually increase your caloric intake to about 3,000 calories if you plan to work out regularly; adjust this figure to the request of your own body.

The intention of this guide is to direct you towards the results you have been looking for. Now, if he’s just starting out, he’ll want to avoid all the mistakes many people make when they start exercising; If she has been training for years with or without significant results, she will benefit greatly from the ideas discussed in this series of articles.

Put these tried and tested tips into practice and you will notice a real difference in your body transformation.

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