Astrology is a complex science, but here is an important indicator that you can easily track – Moon VOC

One customer told us that even after following the advice of a
highly respected astrologer and well-known psychic, the
the date they thought he would officially start his business was not
result in success. He said that he never saw the success that
he predicted and sold the business two years later.

Along with your personal numerology charts that represent
challenging moment, the date and time of your official business
The start turned out to be during a Void Moon of Course (VOC).
The Wall Street Journal published an article years ago about
incorporated business under Moon VOC and, surprisingly, the
most of them never lasted more than a few years. Failure
It was the common thread.

Unfortunately, many experienced astrologers overlook this
extremely important astrological aspect.

The client’s business did not fail due to VOC from the Moon,
never reached the prophesied expectations because it was
most likely your destiny to go through that challenging experience.
The Luna VOC at the beginning of its business simply represented
what was destined.

Below is some information about the Moon VOC to help you get one.
advantage in any area of ​​life.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you avoid
based on only one or a few astrological or numerological
considerations, such as a comprehensive approach involving
patterns of considerations is necessary to
accuracy levels in delineation and prediction.

However, since the Course Void Moon is a
important affliction, you will benefit greatly even if it is
the only astrological information you follow, as long as
you realize that there are many other astrological and
Numerological indicators to take into account.

Moon Course Void Report

Following the cycles of Moon Void of Course is easy and you can
save you time and money, but few people are aware of
this phenomenon and even many experienced astrologers
ignore it. Since the moon is intimately connected with our
intuition and instinct, following Moon VOC will help you
make better decisions in life. It has been said that VOC is like
driving through a tunnel where your antenna can’t
pick up radio signals, or like being in a storm
emptiness, where perception is distorted.

Introduction to Moon Void of Course:

The following introduction to Moon VOC is taken from
pages 245-246 of “Your Love Life and Reincarnation” by
Stephen Petullo.

The Moon goes around the Earth in about 28 days.
spending about two and a half days in each of the 12
signs of the zodiac. After the Moon leaves a signal and before
enter the next signal, it is called Void of Course. Tea
The moon rules instinct and intuition. when the moon is
VOC, the flow of energy available to all living things
seems to slow down and our intuition is temporarily
cloudy During a VOC it is easy to be unrealistic or
perceive things differently than they really are. During
this time people tend to feel scattered and unfocused.
Time seems to drag on forever.

Know when the moon is off course by checking the
times in an astrological calendar can save you a lot of time,
money and effort. Follow them for a couple of weeks, then
don’t look at the calendar for a few days, then look back
in those later times. You will find that even when
consciously didn’t know it was a VOC, things were still
typical of a VOC. Moon VOC seems to affect everyone. moon VOC
it can last from as little as 10 minutes to two days.
Moon VOC included, on average, about eight percent of the
standard eight to five workweek. Of course, it’s not always
it is possible to program around these times, but it helps to be
aware of the difficulties you may encounter.

During an empty moon of course, DO:

or routine work.

o Meditate: this is a good time to go inward. you will be up to it
more focused after the VOC.

o Break bad clothes: if you can abstain during a VOC, it will be
easier to do later.

or creative hobbies.

o Routine cleaning.

or Exercise.


During a Moon with no course, DO NOT:

o Make big plans – they will never happen or will happen
different than expected.

o Brainstorming: New ideas never manifest or they will fail.

o Start something new: things that are started are never finished or
take much longer than expected to complete. New
the friendships that are made are ephemeral. if you know someone
during a VOC, the interaction will not be meaningless, but
probably different from what you expected.

o Buy anything of importance: purchases made will never be
used, it will break or have to be returned due to unforeseen

o Do anything that requires a lot of concentration–it will be
they require a lot more of your energy. If you don’t have a choice
meditate beforehand so that you are as centered as possible.

o Schedule appointments: they will have to be changed or
rescheduled, or you may be “arrested”.

People born during a VOC may not be as affected or
may be affected differently. Follow the cycles and observe
for you.

More about Moon Void of Course:

We have observed and experimented with Moon VOC since
early 1990s. Following is additional information based on
our experience:

oWe are always surprised when we talk to seasoned
astrologer friends who ignore Moon VOC. to do any
forecasts and planning tips from astrologers plus
valuable, like when to start something important,
be sure to take lunar VOC into account. For example, if your
adviser tells you to start a business on a certain day, do
Make sure there isn’t a VOC when you plan to start things.

o If you want to see the VOC phenomenon more clearly
and test to see how accurate our claims are, look at other
people’s actions during VOC. Without telling them about VOC,
notice what they buy, the decisions they make, the people
they meet, the plans they make, and the things they start under a VOC.
This is exactly the kind of objective empirical research that we have
been successful with.

oRoutine shopping during a VOC, such as weekly shopping
in the supermarket, they seem to be fine.

oWhen you meet someone new during a VOC, even if
realizes he’s a VOC, his judgment of who they are usually
be off, and sometimes very far away.

o The perception of reality is skewed during a VOC.

oThe fears you have during a VOC often turn out to be unfounded.

o Sunburn, overeating, overdrinking, and overspending are

o Dreams, especially scary ones, seem to have no
meaning related to our lives during VOC. For example,
if your dream during a VOC showed signs that a friend is in
danger, most likely it is not.

oWe still try Moon VOC from time to time. For example, if we
meet someone new during a VOC, we temporarily ignore the
VOC, let events unfold naturally and watch what
happens. But we find that almost always the VOC situations
produce VOC results, even when we didn’t realize it was a VOC.

Examples of Moon Void of Course:

You meet a new friend during a VOC. Even if you realize
it’s a VOC, there seems to be nothing wrong with the connection
and you can see a lot of potential between the two of you.
After the VOC, he tries to meet several times but
their schedules never match and then a few weeks later, their
new friend tells you that she is going to move out of town.

In meditation during a VOC you get a great new idea to
your business. After trying to implement it several
Sometimes it just never works and you realize that it can
not be as good an idea as he had originally thought.

During a VOC, consider certain physical symptoms that you have
had recently and feared that he might have a serious illness.
After a complete checkup and tests with your doctor, you
realize that your fears were unfounded; it was just stressful
and a reaction to something you were eating.

During a VOC you dine in a restaurant and order
something you don’t normally do. I thought it seemed
a good idea at that time, you experience indigestion.

During a VOC you decide to cut your hair in a new style.
Later you realize that it doesn’t look as good as you thought.
would do.

You get dressed in the morning during a VOC and realize
later, what seemed like a great fashion choice was actually
a fashionable crime.

Power goes out during a VOC after a major storm and
he worries that it may last several days. the power comes back
an hour later.

Trying to work around a Moon empty of course:
If you decide for a while not zero to buy a new
sweater, for example, and then realize the time of day
you had planned to buy a sweater is during a VOC, changing
the day or time of purchase may not solve the problem of a
unlucky purchase. Even if you try to buy the
sweater on a different day, they won’t have your size or
the right color, it will turn out to be wrong, you will
lose it, or some other unknown factor will cause you to
realize that it was not in their best interest to buy the

On the other hand, if you follow Moon VOC and would like to
schedule an important meeting, for example, just pick one
time and day that is good for you and free of VOCs. Nevertheless,
if someone you meet for the important meeting wants
to (unknowingly) schedule during an empty moon of course
time, consider what this might mean: the meeting is not for
your highest good or theirs, will have to be reprogrammed,
or it will be unproductive and/or it will be different from

Lunar void information sources:

Many astrological calendars feature an easy-to-follow moon.
empty of course information. The American Federation of
Astrologers are a source of accurate astrological information.
They sell calendars that provide the exact days and times for
moon Void Course, retrogrades, and other astrological
information. Other astrological calendars are
Available in metaphysical bookstores and online. A lots of
Astrological software programs also list Moon Void of
Course, and other astrological information.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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