Bodybuilding training or weightlifting training?

The sport of powerlifting is one that spawned from bodybuilding training, as many of the desired results are essentially the same for both sports. Techniques and practices in strength training and weightlifting training can benefit from each other, however the main difference is in the competitions that weightlifters and bodybuilders participate in. As a bodybuilder, the goal is to look as big and defined as possible, while in powerlifting the goal is to lift as much weight as possible.

If you want to compete in powerlifting, you will have to compete in three sections, the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Winning the competition, unlike bodybuilding, is not based on how good your muscles look, but how much weight you can lift in total. If you enter a competition, you will be placed in a certain category or class based on a number of factors, such as age and experience. You don’t have to worry about the aesthetics of your body like you do in bodybuilding, so you can focus 100% on training your strength.

Like bodybuilding, powerlifters still need to eat healthy, well-balanced diets that incorporate plenty of protein and enough calories to ensure optimal muscle growth. Avoid fried foods, fast foods, and other sources of bad fats and bad carbohydrates. Try to eat plenty of vegetables, pasta, and high protein sources like turkey and chicken. Don’t forget that powerlifting isn’t about having the lowest body fat percentage or having the highest muscle definition, so you don’t have to worry about a little extra fat.

If you want to lift weights, you need to follow a strict training schedule just like you would if you were training to be a bodybuilder. Be sure to schedule rest days into your training schedule to allow your body and muscles to grow and recover between training sessions. Many serious weightlifters and bodybuilders often take a week off, every twelve weeks or so to reduce stress and allow the body to rest and recover, allowing you to keep training longer and longer and giving you a chance to properly reassess your goals and training routine. .

As with any sport, as a powerlifter you need to set goals and have a detailed training program to stay focused and on track. Reassess your goals frequently; stay positive and dedicated and you will win competitions in no time.

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