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Legal Law

4 questions to ask before hiring a probate attorney

For any executive, going through the succession process is time-consuming and complicated. If you are in charge of fulfilling the last wish of the deceased, you may be looking for ways to ensure that assets are calculated, liabilities are settled, and the rest of the property is distributed to...

thug busting 101 part 1

Nanny State’s approach to preventing people from being bullied is a resounding failure. Bullies can run free without accountability and schools are held legally accountable. (Yes, schools are being sued because students are being bullied.) The problem of bullying usually starts at home. You only have to watch some...

Donors are giving less: here’s what you can do

As CBS News recently reported (source below), fundraising for 2018 is down. Unfortunately, the new federal tax law that went into effect earlier this year was expected to depress donations to charities, and sure enough, that seems to be the way it’s playing out so far this year. As...

Breastfeeding: a retrospective view across culture and time

I have been meaning to write this story for some, but was prompted by a recent email I received from a young mother asking me for advice on breastfeeding in public. Her baby was four weeks old and breastfeeding was going very well. Except that she was uncomfortable breastfeeding...

Improve Venture Capital Returns with IP Portfolio Management

For all the glamor and glamor that surrounds the venture capital industry, one would expect investment returns from venture capital funds to be significantly higher relative to other investment vehicles that are more widely available. However, industry research indicates that, over time, venture capital returns have roughly equaled those...


Weight loss is a basic issue in the public today with obesity on the rise and people finally recognizing what being overweight is doing to their bodies, their health and ultimately their ways of life. Weight loss is helpful for some conditions. It is of great benefit in diabetes,...

Through the eyes of a child

Coming from a young adult, divorce is not the best experience someone can go through. For those who have gone through or are now experiencing divorce as a child or young adult, you are not in this alone. Divorce is a harsh word for some who have experienced it...

Top 10 football teams in London

There is plenty to see for those who are interested in football in London. Just to clarify for readers of this article outside of the UK, football means the ‘beautiful game’, which is commonly known as football around the world. London has a proud tradition of famous football teams...

What is the best way to find a workers’ compensation attorney?

Searching for the right Workers’ Compensation Lawyer that is right for you takes time. You should look for one who has experience in personal injury, specifically, workers’ compensation cases. If you have been injured on the job, the first thing you should do is report the accident to your...