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Lifestyle Fashion

How to Get Him to Commit: Break a Guy’s Resistance

Would you like your current boyfriend to get engaged to you now? Think you’re ready for a committed relationship but aren’t sure if your boyfriend is ready for it? Can a man be faithful to a relationship with only one woman? Commitment is always a tricky topic when it...

Millennials Are Mobile, Is Your Church?

In the age of mobile technology, most churches are now realizing the importance of online and mobile giving for fundraising. How can ministries use technology to get Americans to give more? Why should your church consider having the church app? Help non-profit organizations maintain and reach millennials to support...

5 things that damage our skin

Most people start taking care of their skin when the signs of aging are already evident. All skin conscious people should understand that aging is no longer reversible after a certain period. The sooner you start thinking about your skin, the better. People often complain about premature aging. This...

Derek Acorah United Kingdom Psychic medium

Born on January 27, 1950, Derek Acorah is a psychic medium from the United Kingdom, best known for his work on the Living Most Haunted television series. During his long career, he has worked on television, radio and theater shows throughout the UK and the rest of the world....

7 ways to make sex more stimulating

In long relationships, sex can sometimes feel like an obligation rather than a fun bonding experience. Many couples long to recapture the excitement they had at the beginning of their relationship. It’s easy to make sex seem new and exciting again with a few creative ideas. 1. Keep looking...

Tips for Increasing Your Vegetable Intake

Why the aversion to vegetables? Why do some people love vegetables while others hate them? Genetics may play a role. Research has shown that people who dislike cruciferous vegetables (ie broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage) have a sensitivity to taste a substance called PROP (a bitter-tasting component). It is...