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Lifestyle Fashion

Spiritual Restoration

While they were repairing the temple, the book of the law was found, it was the book of Moses, which is the Law of the Lord, the Pentateuch, the lever by which justice was. 2 Kings 22:8. Restoration is returning something to a previous owner, a process of repairing...

Ten Simple Ways to Reverse Diabetes

Some effects of diabetes are when you feel thirsty quite often and there is a frequent need to urinate. Diabetics feel bloated, tired, sluggish and look old. It is important to enslave the mind and the body. You need to practice Pranayam, Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati breathing exercises for...

Oahspe – The New Bible and How It Was Written

Back in the 1800s, from 1848 to around 1900, spiritualism was very popular in America. It all began on the night of March 31, 1848 in Hydesville, New York when some young women from the Fox family decided to try to communicate with a spirit that had been lurking...

The dangers of Belize

I received a rude awakening upon my arrival in Central America. The drive from Mérida in Mexico to the border city of Chetumal had promised tropical jungle, sun, white sand beaches and sunny blue skies. By contrast, the border crossing into Belize was a militarized zone of barbed wire,...