Choosing a Pet – Dachshund Traits

At some point, every little boy asks for a pet. When choosing a pet, you need to consider the dog’s traits. Dachshunds are cute and lovable, but you need to know if they’ll fit into your lifestyle.

Small size means apartment dog

The dachshund is famous for the “hot dog” shape and they are too cute for words. They come in two sizes, regular and mini. In any case, they are small and will work well for apartments.

Smart stubborn target

Anyone who has owned a weenie dog will tell you that they are smart and goofy. Potty training can be a problem for some and many will have “turn-on” accidents even after breaking and entering. You can do a few things to help prevent the excitement of going to the bathroom if you take the time. It’s more training yourself than training the dog.

One person dog but likes families

These beauties will develop a deep bond with a person. Whoever they see as their main person will get the king’s share of attention. However, they are good with families and children.

Since dachshunds are so small, they should be introduced to children when they are puppies. Older dogs will be a bit nervous around children. In addition, you will need to teach the children to be careful with the little dog.

Weenie Dog Grooming Needs

All of your weenie dogs will need some brushing. Even short-haired dogs will shed during the summer. So unless you want to vacuum up small hairs, your dog will need to be brushed.

Of course, longer haired dogs will need more attention. They will need to be brushed daily to prevent knots and matting. If you brush your dog regularly, he will only need to be bathed a few times a year.

Barking and more barking

While you can teach a dachshund not to bark, it will be difficult. This is something you will need to start out as a puppy and never encourage. However, if an excited bark, alert bark, or friendly greeting doesn’t bother him, then they’ll be perfect.

Rarely do dachshunds bark out of meanness. Although, if they are a single dog and more dogs are introduced at an older age, this can be a problem. Since the dachshund is a one person dog, he may bark to prevent other dogs from hogging his person.

Weenie Dog Breeding

As sad as it is, most dachshunds are unable to give birth naturally. They have to have C-sections. Therefore, I beg you to spay or neuter your dog.

All dogs require special attention and have different needs. Read more about choosing your dog and learn as much as he can before adopting. Then you can make an informed decision.

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